ARGS_EVAL_TIMEOUT is not recognized by Neptune

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F Amer

Aug 6, 2020, 1:37:42 PM8/6/20
to Gremlin-users
I have an AWS Neptune database.

On the DB instance neptune_query_timeout is set to 2 mins via DB parameters.

I am trying to use ARGS_EVAL_TIMEOUT for one of the long running queries I am trying to run via gremlin console without having to make a db-level change.

However the query engine does not seem to recognize ARGS_EVAL_TIMEOUT. 
I am getting the error

:> g.with(ARGS_EVAL_TIMEOUT, 1200000L).E().count()
"code":"MalformedQueryException","detailedMessage":"Query parsing failed at line 1, character position at 7, error message : token recognition error at: 'A'"

The Neptune engine is at the latest release -
The gremlin console is 3.4.4.

Is this option not supported ?
How can I change evaluation timeout for individual queries in this case ?

Stephen Mallette

Aug 20, 2020, 6:30:17 AM8/20/20
When you are in the console and you do:

:> g.with(Tokens.ARGS_EVAL_TIMEOUT, 500L)

the ":>" means that you want to convert whatever you type after it to a String and then send that to the server to be evaluated as a script.  The with(Tokens.ARGS_EVAL_TIMEOUT, 500L) is probably not recognized by Neptune as valid because in a script from the timeout is not typically set that way. You typically use the  with(Tokens.ARGS_EVAL_TIMEOUT, 500L) for remote traversal that submit bytecode based requests. In the console, you set the timeout with:

gremlin> :remote config timeout 1200000

which should pass that value with every request you make from the console. Your question does point out a bit of inconsistency in the language that is confusing. We have one way to do things for scripts and another for bytecode and still another for the console - not so nice. I've created this issue for further thought:

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