Are there any hooks that could be used to track queries from a provider?

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Thomas Kolanko

Sep 23, 2022, 12:20:25 PM9/23/22
to Gremlin-users
Is it possible to track queries and if they succeed or their errors if the query failed as a provider? Are there any hooks to be able to get at this information?

One of the things we are looking at is adding a custom step to a traversal determine when a query ends but that doesn't help with understanding if/why a query failed.

We extend WebSocketChannelizer as our entry point and I tried something similar to:

public class CustomWebSocketChannelizer extends WebSocketChannelizer {
Consumer<Bindings> afterSuccessConsumer = value -> {"In after success consumer");
GremlinExecutor gremlinExecutor =

ServerGremlinExecutor sc = new ServerGremlinExecutor(
serverGremlinExecutor.getSettings(), gremlinExecutor.getExecutorService(),
gremlinExecutor.getScheduledExecutorService()); of our init code ...

but as far as I can see the afterSuccess consumer never gets called when a query completes

Stephen Mallette

Sep 26, 2022, 7:06:27 AM9/26/22
I don't think there's anything quite like that in Gremlin Server. I think that there are GremlinExecutor lifecycle overrides which are probably preventing your special consumer from being used. I don't know all the requirements you are looking for but as I mentioned in your other thread, this might be something more easily achieved by adding the feature directly to Gremlin Server as a new improvement. 

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