World Hash Events: June 2021

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Apr 24, 2021, 10:29:30 AM4/24/21
to, Hash List
Hello hashers,

We have a few events coming up in June, mostly in the USA, but there is also
NOMAD down in New Zealand. See the rest of the list below . . . Looking
ahead to the rest of the year, PanAfrica is still on for July in Uganda,
EuroHash is still a go for August in the Czech Republic, but I have heard
rumors about Mekong IndoChina (November in Myanmar) . . . but since I have
not been able to confirm this information, I will not elaborate. I'm still
hoping to attend all three, so let's see what happens. Many locations have
been able to restart hashing, after long months of waiting, but some are
going back into a holding pattern.

Bali Hash House Harriers just announced their upcoming 44th Anniversary,
scheduled for 17 May. They added that "We will have our Annual General
Meeting and the election of our new Hash Master.
There will also be 4 different runs and off course food and drinks. We also
made a T-shirt."

Here is to all hashers worldwide being happy and healthy, and hope to see
you on trail soon.


If you have seen it yet, there has been a lot more hashing history
published. To read more, check out the following:

A History of the Hash House Harriers, a brilliant monthly digital magazine
produced by Shakesprick:

The On On Podcast, that you can hear some notable hashers tell their tales.
Recorded and edited by Ra:

And . . . don’t forget this ragged old list of hash stuff:


One bit of sad news to pass, just in from Bush Basher . . . if you remember
back in the early 2000s, when printed Hash Directories were still provided
in your INTERHASH goodie bags . . . hashing stalwart, and good friend, Dave
"Dumb Dick Head Dave" (a.k.a D2HD) Newman, passed away on Thursday. Dave
was a long time hasher in the ACT of Australia, and often traveled around
Asia for hashing events. He also was the driving force to gather all the
details from the Regional Webmasters for the printed hash club directories.
RIP old chum.


Speaking of hash contacts and directories . . . the update of the HHH
Genealogy project continues. Thailand, Canada, and United Kingdom have
recently been completed, along with a few others.

Wherever you hash, if you want to update your clubs history and contact info
(both current clubs, and those no longer running) . . . take a look at and send me your
updates directly to (GoToTheHash (at) gmail (dot)
com). Specifically looking for, if available: date of first trail, city the
club normally runs in, founders name, where the founder had hashed before
founding the new club, URL of the website, and the logo.


While working on my PhhhD, and dabbling around in my research, I found
myself chatting with Phillip Gill. Now at the spry age of 90, Phil first
started hashing with Mother Hash in 1970 while assigned in Kuala Lumpur with
the US State Department, where he met and became good friends with Bill
Panton. Phil states that at that time, John Duncan was the HonSec and
leading the charge. After enjoying many hash trails in KL, Phil was
reassigned back to Washington, DC, just in time to join Bill Panton as he
founded the DC Men’s H3, and participate on their first trail on 23 May
1972. After 3 years back in DC, Phil went to Paraguay for a couple years,
but no hashing, and then to Burma for a couple years (more on that later).
Next, it was Surabaya, Indonesia from 79-81, where he mentioned making a few
trips to Bali to hash, "before it was overrun with tourists." He spent his
final three years back in Washington, DC, before retiring in 1985 to Grass
Valley, California. He said he gave up hashing . . . “After my knee gave
out, I took up mountain biking (for which this area is paradise).” In the
course of our discussion, I asked Phil if he had a hash name, and he
responded with “I don't know what a hash name is, so I guess I didn't have

Now, back to where this story began, research on hashing . . . Phil arrived
in Burma in 1978, and after a few months of getting settled, he looked
around and thought Rangoon would be a great place to run a few hashes. So,
at some point in 1978, no one knows for sure (much like Mother Hash), the
Rangoon H3 was born. As Phil explained it . . . “The Rangoon Hash had three
runs in 1978. The third run was interrupted by a military force saying that
we were in a cantonment area (news to us). Burmese and non-diplomatic
runners fled in various directions. The U.S. Defence Attaché was called on
the carpet and that was the last run. We made no attempt to restart it.”
Hashing would not take long to resurface in Burma, as Andrew Engel and Geoff
Percival teamed up to form the second coming of the Rangoon H3 on 23 Jun
1980. Only a name changes has occurred since, from Rangoon to the Yangon
H3, but the hash has continued with only a couple minor disturbances ever
since. Raise your glass and cheer for Phil, the founder of the first hash
in Burma!

The future of hashing in Myanmar is in question due to the current political
climate, as the Yangon H3 is debating how to best host the upcoming Mekong
IndoChina H3 scheduled to take place in Yangon in November 2021.


The "In the Spotlight" series started with my trip to Yangon, back in 2013.
Now stacked with more than 50 topics, it covers a wide variety of interests
. . . but also has room for updates as I get them. Based on my discussion
with Phil above, here is what the story of Burma now looks like:

In the Spotlight - Myanmar (Burma)
1 Jul 2013
Updated: 14 Apr 2021

Up until a few years ago, Myanmar was exceeded only by North Korea in
reclusiveness. A shift in consciousness in 2011 by the ruling junta, has
allowed Yangon to become a bevy of activity with businessmen and tourists
now being commonly seen (although things are looking a little tense at the
moment). Back in 2013, I had the pleasure of journeying over to Myanmar, to
visit the Yangon Hash for their 33rd Anniversary Weekend. Originally founded
as the Rangoon H3 in the largest city (at that time it was the capitol) of
Rangoon, the club adjusted when the ruling junta changed the name of the
city and the country to Yangon, Myanmar in 1989. While there were a couple
gaps of 6 months and 18 months where there were no runs, the YH3 has run
weekly since January 1992 and now totals well over 1700 hash runs in their
41 year history.

Hashing actually first arrived in Burma in 1978, when Philip Gill of the US
State Department arrived. I recently had the opportunity to chat with Phil
(now 90 years old in 2021), and get some of the details. He explained that
after a few months of getting settled, he looked around and thought Rangoon
would be a great place to run a few hashes. So, at some point in 1978, no
one knows for sure (much like Mother Hash), the Rangoon H3 was born. As Phil
explained it . . . “The Rangoon Hash had three runs in 1978. The third run
was interrupted by a military force saying that we were in a cantonment area
(news to us). Burmese and non-diplomatic runners fled in various directions.
The U.S. Defence Attaché was called on the carpet and that was the last run.
We made no attempt to restart it.”

Hashing would not take long to resurface in Burma, as Andrew Engel and Geoff
Percival teamed up to form the second coming of the Rangoon H3 on 23 Jun
1980. Only a name changes has occurred since, from Rangoon to the Yangon
H3, but the hash has continued with only a couple minor disturbances ever
since. Andrew Engel is credited as the founder, but it is believed Geoff
Percival may actually have been the spark to get the Rangoon H3 off on its
way back in 1980. Despite the uncertainty of the founding details, there is
one person who has really kept the Yangon H3 on schedule and consistently
hashing since the mid-1990s. Bob "BoBo" Thomas is a hash icon in Myanmar and
throughout SE Asia. He took the lead on hosting the regional Mekong
Indochina Hash events in 2003 and 2009, and often turns up in Bangkok, as
well as a wide array of hashing events throughout the region. BoBo has
recently returned to Mother England, but I'm sure we'll see him pop up on
the Far East as COVID concerns minimize.

Among the many hash supporters in Yangon, Fenton "Don't Call Me Shirley"
Holland has also been a regular on the YH3 for nearly two decades. The 33rd
Anniversary weekend celebration consisted of a welcome dinner on Friday
evening, a 14 Km Saturday main event trail, and a Sunday running of the
Yangon Full Moon H3, which was founded by Michel “Ibo Ibo” Desloover in
January 1998. Another hash club has since formed in September 2018, in the
new capitol city. The Nay Pyi Taw H3 runs every other Sunday starting from
Park Royal Hotel.

Aside from the hash, Yangon boasts one of the oldest structures in SE Asia.
The Shwedagon Pagoda is believed to be over 2500 years old, and can be
easily accessed from anywhere in the city. If you are looking for a weekend
getaway in SE Asia, definitely consider Myanmar (although you may want to
wait a few more months to allow things to settle down).


From the Way Back Machine, hash happenings this month . . .





Upcoming hash events for the month of June 2021 are listed below. See the
website for more details:

Jun 4-6
NC/SC Hashers Without Borders
Hosted by the Cape Fear H3 in Myrtle Beach, SC, USA.

Jun 4-6
Billy Bowlegs
Hosted by the Emerald Coast H3 in Fort Walton Beach, FL, USA.

Jun 5-7
Hosted out there in Titiokura, New Zealand.

Jun 5-7
700th Trail and 25th Anniversary
Hosted by the Omaha H3 in Elkhorn, NE, USA.

Jun 18-20
Southern Exposure
Hosted by the Vulcan H3 in Cleveland, AL, USA.

Jun 24-27
Great Alaska Interhash
Hosted by the Anchorage H3 in Anchorage, AK, USA.

Jun 25-27
Hosted by the Seniors H3 in Kansas City, MO, USA.

See the whole two year calendar of events at

If you know of an upcoming event not posted to the calendar, please send me
the info.


Hashing is fun! See you on trail someday . . . :O)

Keeper of the old rusty pail, and Chief of the Royal Order of the Smelly
Shoe! (Since 1998)


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