What do you need to know? For C++ programmer

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Oct 28, 2007, 11:39:51 PM10/28/07
to Google Web Toolkit
I have a background in C++ programming, but only very basic knowledge
of Java programming. Could someone list a # of things that one should
know to start utilizing GWT for web apps?

Java? JSP? JSF?

ronald mathies

Oct 29, 2007, 3:28:56 AM10/29/07
to Google-We...@googlegroups.com
Java is important to know, if you only use GWT for frontend but some other technique for backend or you just want to create a GUI application without any server side code then it is fairly basic what you need to know since you can only use the basic Java classes. JSP is not really neccessary but a fairly understanding of what a WEB.XML is could be convinient. JSF is not neccessary to know because you don't (have) use this (altough it is possible to combine GWT with JSF).
Other things that are handy to know is the basic knowledge of Java like what a ,JAR's file is and what packages are. To make your life easier it could be handy to know how ANT works (for building the application) but this is again not neccesary.
There are some XML files but these are very small and very simple so basic understanding of how XML works is also handy.


Oct 29, 2007, 7:14:23 AM10/29/07
to Google Web Toolkit

Depends somewhat on what you are intending to do. GWT compiles Java
into javascript and widgets are rendered in the browser as HTML
constructs so it is important to understand CSS, DOM, DHTML to get a
handle on what's going on.. Other java based web technologies like
JSP, JSF, Struts etc are alternative, not complimentary, to GWT.
Ignore them if you go with GWT.

Limitations in javascript mean GWT implements a subset of the Java
language loosely based on java 1.4, not 1.5. It is important to know
exatly what is and is not supported and you can find details in the
GWT JRE Emulation Library documentation. Make sure to check out the
supported collections in java.util and the supported streams in
java.io. Obvious bug bears are you can't use generics in collections
(equivelent to C++ templates) or enums.

In many cases people include libraries in their server side classes
that use code that is not compatible with GWT's emulation library
However this restriction does not apply to RemoteService's (GWT's RPC
servlets) as they run purely on the server. They therefore provide a
focal point for translating server side domain classes into GWT client
friendly objects for export to the browser where necessary. The Data
Tranfer Object (DTO) and Command patterns are useful tools in this

It is useful to understand the basics of how servlets work as this
helps understand GWT's excellent RPC mechanism. For example you need
to know things like servlets are instatiated once only by the
container and then multi-threaded so you must not declare transaction
based attributes in servlet based classes, only method local.

There are a lot of important and mature open source tools widely used
in the Java world. Examples include application servers like JBoss
(which includes Tomcat), the ORM framework Hibernate, XML parsers like
Xerces and dom4j, the Junit unit test framework, the logging utility
log4j, and the make/build program Ant.

Sumit Chandel

Oct 29, 2007, 8:34:36 PM10/29/07
to Google-We...@googlegroups.com
Hi squishydonut,

Actually, GWT does integrate well with other web application technologies such as JSP, JSF and Struts (as well as others). In fact, GWT is designed in such a way so as not to be intrusive on a developers' choice of client and server side technologies. There are a number of community-contributed libraries which make GWT integration with these technologies even easier.

I think what might make getting answers on which technologies you should use for your application is describing the type of application you're looking to build. Depending on the specifics of your application, we can give better recommendations on which technologies you could use to realise your project.

You will need to be somewhat familiar with Java to effectively use GWT. If you already have a basic knowledge of Java that should be enough to get started. However, as Gregor mentioned, bear in mind that GWT code ultimately gets translated to JavaScript, so only that subset of the Java Runtime Environment that can be supported in the web browser is emulated. You can check out more details on the GWT emulated JRE at the link below:


-Sumit Chandel


Oct 30, 2007, 2:25:14 AM10/30/07
to Google Web Toolkit
Thanks for the replies everyone. I appreciate it.

I'm still learning the basics of Java but I'd like to work in

The first being a relatively simple site, but done in GWT as opposed
to ASP.Net or PHP, maybe even basic HTML through Dreamweaver. Just a
regular blog-style page but utilizng Java's "internationalization"
implementing different languages with dynamic elements in parts of the
page. The extra coding does not scare me, and I prefer it to VB-like
ASP. I want something that would be easy to maintain once it's up and
running, that could be scaleable later on. Simple site though.

Second, more of a database driven site, but mainly looking at having
more of an "interactive" way to select the different criteria. Also
various ways to output it. This second project is extremely

Third I'd like to look into making a stand-alone application that
could interact with a # of things on the website. This one I am
nowhere near implementing.

Realistically I'm just trying to make a simple page with some
interactive elements (first project), just to wrap my head around it
all. Gotta crawl before you walk.


Mar 8, 2019, 4:47:11 AM3/8/19
to GWT Users
Just wonder is there still anybody use GWT for web apps thesedays?


David Carter

Mar 8, 2019, 11:54:27 AM3/8/19
to GWT Users
CSS. I'll say it again... CSS.

Unless and until you get it right your apps will never perform as expected. If you're an experienced OO person than the Java will be fairly easy for you, but CSS is some voodoo style black magic to master. I've been messing with it for years and it still never does what I expect.


Mar 8, 2019, 3:18:10 PM3/8/19
to google-we...@googlegroups.com



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Ahmad Bawaneh

Mar 8, 2019, 6:02:58 PM3/8/19
to GWT Users
I would say : more than what we think!.
I know many and those in my list keeps expanding .. I think GWT now is just like java .. even though there is so many are using yet no one is bragging about it.. it is stable .. works .. reliable .. integrates ..

So as answer to the question. Yes.. i do

Pavlo Iatsiuk

Mar 9, 2019, 5:44:22 AM3/9/19
to GWT Users

I personally know one company in Norway which uses GWT as main WebUI framework. 
If you want statically typed language and rich components to beat GWT + SmartGWT/GXT not easy.
Especially if your application needs a rich grid component.
ag-grid community edition does not allow to do everything that is available in SmartGWT Grid.

пʼятниця, 8 березня 2019 р. 10:47:11 UTC+1 користувач Puppy2Pet написав:


Mar 11, 2019, 4:30:43 AM3/11/19
to GWT Users
Thank you! I am not alone now with GWT. BTW, CSS but GSS?
Artificial Flowers, Preserved Roses, and More.

Jan Istocko

Mar 9, 2020, 8:04:49 AM3/9/20
to google-we...@googlegroups.com
Smartgwt12p with get 2.8.2

Dňa pi 8. 3. 2019, 10:46 Puppy2Pet <southbayusai...@gmail.com> napísal(a):

Alicia Jones

Mar 11, 2020, 1:11:32 PM3/11/20
to google-we...@googlegroups.com
Jan,  YES, GWT is still alive.  E.g., see midasmed.com, our new medical diagnosis app, beta test version. The UI is entirely GWT, and it uses responsive design to run on any device.
Dan Jones,
Eureka Clinical Computing


Mar 11, 2020, 3:12:22 PM3/11/20
to GWT Users
Me too

I use to developer by GWT.
GWT is useful in client side and server side both.
Because to use java in both.
Java is object oriented programming .
Java have full useful librally.

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