Compatibility of GWT 2.10.0 with GXT 2.3.1.a

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Jul 18, 2022, 12:56:23 AM7/18/22
to GWT Users
Hello Team,

we use following jars in our application - 
GXT .jar -        2.3.1.a
GWTx.jar -       1.5.3
Log4j-gwt.jar - 1.0

Wanted to know that will recent update of GWT 2.10.0 compatible with above dependencies.

Leon Pennings

Jul 18, 2022, 9:33:09 AM7/18/22
to GWT Users
From what I gathered, packages have been renamed from **.google.** to **gwtproject** or smth.
So without a gxt update to cover for the new packages, I doubt you can upgrade your project.

There is one simple way to check, just update the GWT version in your dependency manager (maven or whatever you use) and you'll find out soon enough.
Op maandag 18 juli 2022 om 06:56:23 UTC+2 schreef

Frank Hossfeld

Jul 18, 2022, 10:25:28 AM7/18/22
to GWT Users
GWT packages have still the same name. AFAIK, there are no changes on package names.
In case you start using GWT modules, you will have to use the packages starting with 'org.gwtproject'. 

Starting with GWT 2.10.0 you can '' or 'org.gwtproject' as groupId inside the Maven dependency. Starting with one of the next release of GWT, only the 'org.gwtproject' groupId can be used.  

Thomas Broyer

Jul 18, 2022, 11:53:59 AM7/18/22
to GWT Users
In an ideal world, you'd reach out to those libs' maintainers and ask them if their lib is compatible with GWT 2.10.
But those are all libs that haven't had a new release in a decade:
* GXT 2.3.1.a was released in 2014
* GWTx 1.5.3 was released 2009 (GWT 2.0.0 wasn't even released at the time!)
* log4j-gwt 1.0 was released in 2012

You're quite fortunate that GWT has a rather extraordinary backward compatibility track and such a combination might still work with 2.10.0, but nobody in their own mind should even try that unless they're desperate.
If you're going to spend time on something, spend it on removing those outdated, unmaintained libs (you had between 8 and 13 years to do it already, but it's never too late). Stay on an older GWT version for as long as you can, but remove those libs (if you share code with the JVM that uses log4j –still using log4j 1.x? hope you migrated to reload4j–, then rewrite/copy the few bits that need to be emulated; for GXT and GWTx, replace with your own code or possibly another –maintained– lib).
If the project isn't worth it, then it's probably not worth either spending time updating to GWT 2.10 and make sure everything still works.

So first, let me ask: why do you want to update to GWT 2.10?

Ricardo Serathiuk

Jul 18, 2022, 12:05:57 PM7/18/22
I work with an application using GWT 2.10.0 and GXT 2.3.1a. We have fixed some things on GXT 2.3.1a. With some fixes, you can run perfectly the GXT 2.3.1a in GWT 2.2+ (GWT 2.9.0 and 2.10.0 included).


Jul 20, 2022, 5:14:18 AM7/20/22
to GWT Users
> We have fixed some things on GXT 2.3.1a.  With some fixes, you can run perfectly the GXT 2.3.1a in GWT 2.2+ (GWT 2.9.0 and 2.10.0 included).

Would you mind to elaborate on these fixes? Have you documented these somewhere?

Ricardo Serathiuk

Jul 20, 2022, 7:37:21 AM7/20/22
I have explained in another similar thread the steps:

* Extract the jar source code (.xml and .java files, remove all .class files) and create an internal project with the source code.
* Try to see the errors and fix one by one.
* In com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.image.XImages, change its to extends ClientBundle and change all to AbstractImagePrototype ImageResource. After that, fix all errors.
* Most of the errors are about setHeading, AbstractImagePrototype and the deprecation.

I have made all the core changes in a day. And some fixes and improvements during the years. I do not remember all the changes, but it is a guide to start.

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Ricardo Serathiuk

Michael Conrad

Jul 20, 2022, 7:42:02 AM7/20/22
If you publish your work to a jitpack compatible public git repo and then follow the instructions, you could provide a Maven/Gradle ready dependency for others to use.

Ricardo Serathiuk

Jul 20, 2022, 7:44:44 AM7/20/22
to GWT Users
With an authorization of the Sencha and my company, I do it. :)
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