[ANN] (Unofficial) Elemental2 2.26 release

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Peter Donald

읽지 않음,
2019. 8. 25. 오후 8:25:2919. 8. 25.
받는사람 GWT Mailing List
Elemental2 provides type-checked access to browser APIs for Java
code. This is done by using closure extern files and generating
JsTypes, which are part of the new JsInterop specification that
is implemented in both GWT and J2CL.


This is an unofficial release to Maven Central under a different groupId.
Please don't bug the original authors. Versions are released on demand.

API Changes relative to Elemental2 version 2.25

  API Differences: https://jsinterop.github.io/api-diff/?key=elemental2-core&old=2.25&new=2.26
  - 1 non breaking changes.
  - 3 potentially breaking changes.
  - 1 breaking changes.
  API Differences: https://jsinterop.github.io/api-diff/?key=elemental2-dom&old=2.25&new=2.26
  - 33 non breaking changes.
  - 65 potentially breaking changes.
  - 30 breaking changes.

The complete set of Elemental2 API differences is available at


The Maven dependencies can be added to your pom.xml via


where artifact-id is one of

* elemental2-core
* elemental2-dom
* elemental2-promise
* elemental2-indexeddb
* elemental2-svg
* elemental2-webgl
* elemental2-media
* elemental2-webstorage
* elemental2-webassembly

Hope this helps,

Peter Donald

Hristo Stoyanov

읽지 않음,
2019. 10. 16. 오후 9:07:3819. 10. 16.
받는사람 GWT Users
Getting this error with Elemental 2.26 and GWT 2.8.2:

Compiling module com.recres.web.MainDev
   Tracing compile failure path for type 'elemental2.core.JsArray'
      [ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/g/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.realityforge.com.google.elemental2/elemental2-core/2.26/1c407ef9a7e45ecc39be56283e9fe8d677060257/elemental2-core-2.26.jar!/elemental2/core/JsArray.java'
         [ERROR] Line 3: The type javaemul.internal.ArrayStamper is not visible
         [ERROR] Line 258: ArrayStamper cannot be resolved
   [ERROR] Aborting compile due to errors in some input files

Downgrading to 2.25 fixes the issue. Any clue?

Rob Newton

읽지 않음,
2019. 10. 16. 오후 9:49:2719. 10. 16.
받는사람 GWT Users

I am using realityforge's elemental2 version 2.26 with GWT 2.8.2 and it is fine.

I understand what you would use jsinterop_base_version for (the jsinterop-base artifact version), but what are you using jsinterop_version for?  1.0.2-p1 looks too recent, and will require GWT 2.9 when it comes out.


Peter Donald

읽지 않음,
2019. 10. 16. 오후 10:02:5319. 10. 16.
받는사람 GWT Mailing List
Unfortunately, 2.26 is not compatible with GWT 2.8.2 - we were testing with a later version of GWT and I did not pick this up before I sent the mail. Sorry about that!

2.26 will be compatible with GWT 2.9 when/if that gets out.

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Peter Donald

Rob Newton

읽지 않음,
2019. 10. 16. 오후 11:24:3819. 10. 16.
받는사람 GWT Users
OK I was wrong.  I thought I was using 2.26, but I am using other maven dependencies (elemento) which depend on 1.0.0-RC1, and that is having precedence over 2.26.

Hristo Stoyanov

읽지 않음,
2019. 10. 17. 오후 1:48:2419. 10. 17.
받는사람 GWT Users
Rob, Peter, thanks for clarifying and looking into this!

Peter Donald


읽지 않음,
2019. 10. 26. 오전 11:16:5219. 10. 26.
받는사람 GWT Users

Do you have a rebranded release on GWT 2.9 too?

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Peter Donald

Peter Donald

읽지 않음,
2019. 10. 27. 오전 2:52:1119. 10. 27.
받는사람 GWT Mailing List
Not at this stage. I had planned on doing so and may in the near future ... but I was hoping an official GWT 2.9 release would become available soonish. If not I will figure out a way of releasing unofficial versions based off master.

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Peter Donald

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Peter Donald
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