Testing GWT 2.9.0 for release

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Colin Alworth

Apr 13, 2020, 10:43:05 PM4/13/20
to GWT Contributors
Hi all,
We have a build ready to test for GWT 2.9.0, and are looking for volunteers to verify that things are behaving properly on a variety of platforms. If you have an hour or two free and can help us out, we would appreciate it.

We're hoping for a cross-section of testing that verifies
 * JVM version: 8, 11, 14
 * Operating System: Linux, OS X, Windows (8, 8.1, 10)
 * Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE11, Edge

If a tester has access to more than one of these at a time, the tests will probably go more quickly than two individuals testing the same setup. Please note that while Microsoft still provides virtual machines for testing purposes, only Windows 10 appears to be available, though with both IE11 and Edge (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/).

Please send me an email off-list with the various options you are able to test, and I'll get you on the testing spreadsheet.


Juan Pablo Gardella

Apr 13, 2020, 11:00:59 PM4/13/20
to GWT Contributors
Hi Colin,

Could you please share the spreadsheet again?


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Colin Alworth

Apr 13, 2020, 11:02:35 PM4/13/20
to 'Goktug Gokdogan' via GWT Contributors
Yeah I’ll send it out once we’ve got some volunteers, and figured out who is able to test what configurations. 

  Colin Alworth

Simeon Hearring

Apr 14, 2020, 2:05:13 AM4/14/20
to google-web-tool...@googlegroups.com
I have JVM 8, OS X, Chrome, Firefox, & Safari.

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Tony BenBrahim

Apr 14, 2020, 8:18:17 PM4/14/20
to google-web-tool...@googlegroups.com
dev on: JVM 8, Windows 10, Chrome, Firefox. IE11 , Edge
build on Linux, deploy on Linux, QA w/ above browsers

Freddy Boucher

Apr 15, 2020, 1:35:57 AM4/15/20
to GWT Contributors

Any chance to include the following patch in 2.9?
It has been sitting in Gerrit for years and it's a shame that the core GWT code doesn't convert dates correctly in all timezones.

Thanks in advance.

Tony BenBrahim

Apr 15, 2020, 2:38:41 AM4/15/20
to google-web-tool...@googlegroups.com
Absolutely, I build on Windows during dev, run SDM, etc...., run
Jenkins in Linux
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Manfred Tremmel

Apr 19, 2020, 12:53:23 PM4/19/20
to google-web-tool...@googlegroups.com
Hi Colin,

I've build and tested my libs and GWT-Applications this weekend against GWT
2.9.0-rc1 and elemental2 1.0.0. The good news is, everything compiled and
workes. I'm happy, to switch elemental2 form 1.0.0-RC1 to 1.0.0, which fixes
some problems I had in the past, so I can remove some JSNI Workarounds.

System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 with openJDK 11. For years, I don't use browser
specific permutations, only the "safari". Tested Browsers: Chromium and

What's the timeline for removing bean validation out of gwt-user package, it's
nearly four years, since it was deprecated and it's still a hack to get gwt-
bean-validators as replacement into the projects (dependency suppressions,
correct inherit order, supersource replacements of existing gwt classes).


Thomas Broyer

Apr 19, 2020, 1:37:04 PM4/19/20
to GWT Contributors

On Sunday, April 19, 2020 at 6:53:23 PM UTC+2, ManfredTremmel wrote:
correct inherit order, supersource replacements of existing gwt classes).

Speaking of that, it's breaking HEAD-SNAPSHOT: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-web-toolkit/7_-tpK8s_cM (see discussion in linked issue)

Colin Alworth

Apr 19, 2020, 9:01:13 PM4/19/20
to GWT Contributors
We're having an issue related to the java7->java8 update, the build isn't properly including the full sources for the included sample projects. By itself, not a big deal, but it could imply that other assumptions of the ant build are broken too. I'm looking into it, we'll have an updated release candidate when we figure it out.

https://github.com/gwtproject/gwt/issues/9682: The 2.9 candidate was cut before the java.io changes came in, so this will not be included in the first 2.9 at least, though will likely show up later (See the 4th point in this email).

Removing validation: as a rule, the main GWT project rarely, if ever, removes anything within a major release. This is very deliberate, so that updating to the latest release (to fix security issues, to support newer/changing/breaking browsers, improve performance) is accessible to stable projects in maintenance mode, with no surprises. Since gwt-dev and gwt-user are strongly tied to each other, it isn't feasible to even suggest that someone update part of their project, but continue to use older jars (such as updating the compiler to fix some issue, but still keeping an old gwt-user so that the now-deprecated validation doesn't change or disappear). This is why each module that is being broken out will now live in its own git repo, own jar, and be versioned separately from the others. My best guess here is that we can try for a "minimal gwt-user" which just has enough to let the compiler work, and assume that developers switch to the org.gwtproject modules that they want, plus anything thirdparty like validation. That said, validation is basically the only thing that _isn't_ ready for j2cl, and there is a small gwt-validation project that has gotten started that is compatible with both gwt2 and j2cl - do you have plans to finish https://gitlab.com/ManfredTremmel/gwt-bean-validators/-/issues/3? Both topics (further modularizing gwt-user, and apt for validation) are probably better discussed in another thread, or in gitter.

CL 19800: Agreed, sucks that this fell through the cracks. Two thoughts: lets get that into gwt-i18n as soon as possible, and lets try to land that patch after 2.9.0 is cut and shipped. The plan is that 2.9.x gets updated regularly (6-8 weeks sort of thing) with any changes, and marked with a date rather than just an occasional version.

Juan Pablo Gardella

Apr 20, 2020, 9:41:29 PM4/20/20
to GWT Contributors
I verified GWT 2.9.0-RC1 in one of my applications without issues. The tests I could not complete due an ant issues to build the samples.


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Michael Seele

Apr 21, 2020, 3:09:44 AM4/21/20
to GWT Contributors
I've downloaded

to test our biggest application against RC1. However i got the folloing error when trying to compile:

     [java] Loading inherited module 'XXX'
     [java]    Loading inherited module 'com.google.gwt.core.Core'
     [java]       Loading inherited module 'jsinterop.annotations.Annotations'
     [java]          [ERROR] Unable to find 'jsinterop/annotations/Annotations.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?

The problem is that jsinterop-annotations-1.1.0-RC1.jar is missing the Annotations.gwt.xml. I easily added Annotations.gwt.xml into the jsinterop-annotations-1.1.0-RC1.jar and compilation works like a charm.

I'm wondering if i downloaded the wrong jsinterop-annotations-1.1.0-RC1.jar?


Ignacio Baca Moreno-Torres

Apr 21, 2020, 1:11:12 PM4/21/20
to GWT Contributors
gwt-user depends on jsinterop-annotations:sources (with the sources qualifier), and jsinterop-annotations:sources contains the Annotations.gwt.xml. It really seems right.

We have tested in various projects and works perfectly. But, we downloaded a corrupted gwt-user in one of the tests, and we need to remove it manually so maven downloads it again (from the .mw directory). It's a dummy thing, I know, but try it just in case.

Michael Seele

Apr 21, 2020, 1:17:04 PM4/21/20
to GWT Contributors
That helps, thank you.

Colin Alworth

Apr 23, 2020, 4:06:14 PM4/23/20
to GWT Contributors
Update on the broken samples in the gwt distribution:

The issue is some kind of interaction between Java 8 and ant - when a URL is read from the classloader for a directory within a jar, it had a trailing slash. When running the GWT webappcreator from command line, this didn't happen, when running within ant in Java 7 this didn't happen.

An alternative fix could be to normalize those paths inside the WebAppCreator and remove trailing slashes - we experimented with that at first, but once we discovered that it was ant's classloader which was causing this and _not_ just Java 8, it made more sense to fork the task. This also brings the WebAppCreator task in line with all other <java> tasks in the ant build.
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Alexander Tarasov

Apr 27, 2020, 7:09:50 AM4/27/20
to GWT Contributors
1) there is no gwt-maven-plugin:2.9.0-RC1 so I used 2.8.2. 
2) i have the following error, looks strange because TryStatement definitely has public "resources" field

com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.InternalCompilerException: Error constructing Java AST

[ERROR]              at com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.GwtAstBuilder.translateException(GwtAstBuilder.java:4033)

[ERROR]              at com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.GwtAstBuilder$AstVisitor.endVisit(GwtAstBuilder.java:2190)

[ERROR]              at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TryStatement.traverse(TryStatement.java:1127)

[ERROR] Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: resources

[ERROR]              at com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.impl.GwtAstBuilder$AstVisitor.endVisit(GwtAstBuilder.java:2165)

[ERROR]              ... 38 more

Alexander Leshkin

Apr 27, 2020, 7:28:48 AM4/27/20
to GWT Contributors
Maybe you have an overriden version of the JDT compiler on classpath that is incompatible with JDT compiler version from GWT dependencies.
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Alexander Tarasov

Apr 27, 2020, 9:50:25 AM4/27/20
to GWT Contributors
thanks, you were right. 
but we use JDT ECJ for lombok support.
without lombok does not work unfortunately 

понедельник, 27 апреля 2020 г., 12:28:48 UTC+1 пользователь Alexander Leshkin написал:

Alexander Leshkin

Apr 27, 2020, 10:59:27 AM4/27/20
to GWT Contributors
Do you use lombok in client code? If so, you may try to align your JDT compiler version with one that used by GWT.

If lombok is used only in server code, then ensure that the server code and the client code, both are placed in different maven modules.

Maybe there are other ways, but I'm not familiar enough with lombok.

Alexander Bertram

Apr 28, 2020, 9:52:32 AM4/28/20
to GWT Contributors

When moving to gwt-2.9.0-RC1 and elemental2 1.0.0 (from elemental2 1.0.0-RC1), it seems that HTMLElement no longer has a click() method defined. Is that intentional? Is there alternative? We use this to trigger the File Dialog for file inputs.

Otherwise compilation successful on OpenJDK 8 and Linux with minor tweaks for elemental2.


Thomas Broyer

Apr 28, 2020, 11:29:42 AM4/28/20
to GWT Contributors

On Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 3:52:32 PM UTC+2, Alexander Bertram wrote:

When moving to gwt-2.9.0-RC1 and elemental2 1.0.0 (from elemental2 1.0.0-RC1), it seems that HTMLElement no longer has a click() method defined. Is that intentional? Is there alternative? We use this to trigger the File Dialog for file inputs.

This might be intentional, or not, but it's Elemental2, it's orthogonal to GWT (other than the dependency requirements regarding which version of Elemental2 is compatible with which version of GWT).

Jim Douglas

Apr 28, 2020, 2:02:33 PM4/28/20
to GWT Contributors
I've got the same build error that Michael reported here, and I'm not sure how to get past it.

I couldn't find a complete self-contained gwt-2.9.0-rc1.zip distribution, so I hacked one together by downloading 2.8.2 from here:

I extracted that GWT 2.8.2 SDK to ~/Documents/gwt-2.9.0-rc2, then I downloaded all of the relevant 2.9.0-RC1 jar files from Maven:

And I dropped those jar files into that directory. The result was a hacked attempt at a 2.9.0-rc1 GWT SDK, with a root directory that looks like this:


scrappy:gwt-2.9.0-rc1 jimdouglas$ ls -l

total 99096

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff     12371 Oct 18  2017 COPYING

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff     15678 Oct 18  2017 COPYING.html

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff      3332 Oct 18  2017 about.html

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff      1132 Oct 18  2017 about.txt

drwxr-xr-x@  4 jimdouglas  staff       128 Oct 18  2017 doc

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff     69451 Oct 18  2017 gwt-api-checker.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff    207833 Apr 28 08:44 gwt-codeserver.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff  15733992 Apr 28 08:41 gwt-dev.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff   1842417 Apr 28 08:43 gwt-elemental.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff      7100 Oct 18  2017 gwt-module.dtd

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff    276583 Oct 18  2017 gwt-servlet-deps.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff   9941813 Apr 28 08:42 gwt-servlet.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff  17412993 Apr 28 08:40 gwt-user.jar

-rwxr-xr-x@  1 jimdouglas  staff       128 Nov  2  2015 i18nCreator

-rwxr-xr-x@  1 jimdouglas  staff        90 Nov  2  2015 i18nCreator.cmd

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff     13672 Apr 28 10:41 jsinterop-annotations-1.1.0-sources.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff      5772 Apr 28 10:41 jsinterop-annotations-1.1.0.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff       858 Oct 18  2017 release_notes.html

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff     62207 Oct 18  2017 requestfactory-apt-src.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff     90362 Oct 18  2017 requestfactory-apt.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff    524213 Oct 18  2017 requestfactory-client+src.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff    200451 Oct 18  2017 requestfactory-client-src.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff    323928 Oct 18  2017 requestfactory-client.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff   1261366 Oct 18  2017 requestfactory-server+src.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff    258242 Oct 18  2017 requestfactory-server-src.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff   1003290 Oct 18  2017 requestfactory-server.jar

drwxr-xr-x@ 11 jimdouglas  staff       352 Oct 18  2017 samples

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff     65220 Nov  2  2015 validation-api-1.0.0.GA-sources.jar

-rw-r--r--@  1 jimdouglas  staff     47433 Nov  2  2015 validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar

-rwxr-xr-x@  1 jimdouglas  staff       130 Nov  2  2015 webAppCreator

-rwxr-xr-x@  1 jimdouglas  staff        92 Nov  2  2015 webAppCreator.cmd

scrappy:gwt-2.9.0-rc1 jimdouglas$ 

Then within Eclipse, I did a "GWT Compile Project", which failed right away with this error message:

Loading inherited module 'com.basis.bbj.web.gwt.EnglishOnly'

   Loading inherited module 'com.google.gwt.core.Core'

      Loading inherited module 'jsinterop.annotations.Annotations'

         [ERROR] Unable to find 'jsinterop/annotations/Annotations.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?

So first question: How do I get it to recognize the jsinterop-annotations-1.1.0 that I did drop into that directory?

And second question: Is there an easier way to download or construct a traditional GWT SDK to test GWT 2.9.0-RC1 in Eclipse?

Colin Alworth

Apr 28, 2020, 10:38:43 PM4/28/20
to 'Goktug Gokdogan' via GWT Contributors
Jim, the download zip is available for people who are helping with pre-release testing - it is an error that the jars made it into maven central before we completed this acceptance testing. Once we finish testing, we will announce it and make a zip generally available for download.

With that said, can you confirm that the jsinterop-annotations-1.1.0-sources.jar jar does _not_ contain a file at jsinterop/annotations/Annotations.gwt.xml'? I am suspecting either you got a corrupt jar, or that this sources jar didn't end up on your compiler classpath after all.

$ unzip jsinterop-annotations-1.1.0-RC1-sources.jar
Archive:  jsinterop-annotations-1.1.0-RC1-sources.jar
  inflating: jsinterop/annotations/Annotations.gwt.xml 

  Colin Alworth

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Colin Alworth

Apr 28, 2020, 10:42:03 PM4/28/20
to 'Goktug Gokdogan' via GWT Contributors
...To further clarify, because in re-reading that email I might sound like a bit of a jerk: If you would like to help with testing I'll add you to the group - ideally we're looking for more testers with something other than Windows 10, but more testing is usually better. The purpose in what I was saying was not to exclude you, but to indicate that the zip wasn't available yet because it wasn't ready to be generally available at this time.

  Colin Alworth

Jim Douglas

Apr 28, 2020, 10:59:37 PM4/28/20
to GWT Contributors

scrappy:gwt-2.9.0-rc1 jimdouglas$ pwd


scrappy:gwt-2.9.0-rc1 jimdouglas$ jar tvf jsinterop-annotations-1.1.0.jar | grep gwt.xml

scrappy:gwt-2.9.0-rc1 jimdouglas$ jar tvf jsinterop-annotations-1.1.0-sources.jar | grep gwt.xml

    40 Wed Apr 08 22:14:10 PDT 2020 jsinterop/annotations/Annotations.gwt.xml

scrappy:gwt-2.9.0-rc1 jimdouglas$ 

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Jim Douglas

Apr 28, 2020, 11:02:32 PM4/28/20
to GWT Contributors
My development system here is macOS Catalina; is it helpful to get test feedback from this environment? My biggest concern is to verify that our GWT application builds and runs correctly in 2.9.0, but beyond that I'm more than happy to run any other tests that you have.
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Jim Douglas

Apr 28, 2020, 11:16:39 PM4/28/20
to GWT Contributors
 * JVM version: 8, 11, 14
 * Operating System: Linux, OS X, Windows (8, 8.1, 10)
 * Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE11, Edge

Obviously all major macOS browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Chromium Edge), plus iPadOS Safari.

I'm currently testing two Eclipse build environments for our application:
  • Eclipse 2019-03 with Oracle Java 8u201.
  • Eclipse 2020-03 with AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.7.

Colin Alworth

Apr 29, 2020, 10:24:59 AM4/29/20
to 'Goktug Gokdogan' via GWT Contributors
Jim, from this result, your classpath isn't correctly configured - the file is there in the jar, as expected, but GWT isn't seeing it, so doesn't know to include these sources.

I'll reach out off-list once we have a new zip and are ready to start testing again.

  Colin Alworth

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Manfred Tremmel

May 3, 2020, 12:40:59 PM5/3/20
to google-web-tool...@googlegroups.com
Am Montag, 20. April 2020, 03:01:12 CEST schrieb Colin Alworth:
> That said, validation is basically the only thing that _isn't_
> ready for j2cl, and there is a small gwt-validation project that has gotten
> started that is compatible with both gwt2 and j2cl - do you have plans to
> finish https://gitlab.com/ManfredTremmel/gwt-bean-validators/-/issues/3?
> Both topics (further modularizing gwt-user, and apt for validation) are
> probably better discussed in another thread, or in gitter.

I know replacing generators is to long on my todo list and it always was
postponed because something else was more important. In June I'm three weeks
on vacation and it's on first place of my todo list for this time.

Colin Alworth

May 3, 2020, 1:38:04 PM5/3/20
to 'Goktug Gokdogan' via GWT Contributors
Excellent - reach out in https://gitter.im/gwtproject/gwt, https://gitter.im/gwtproject/gwt-modules, or https://gitter.im/vertispan/j2cl for any discussion around this, and people who are eager to help test.

Colin Alworth
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