I have a wirking code for a line graph.
Now I want to show 3 lines on the same graph.
I created the data
Is this the right way for the join of 3 2-dimentional arrays?
var data_123 = google.visualization.data.join(data1, data2, data3,'full', [[0,0]], [1], [1]);
This doesn't work either:
var data_123 = google.visualization.data.join(data1, data2, data3,'full', [[0,0]], [1], [1], [1]);
I can't understand from this explanation how to join more than 2 arrays. Can anyone explain it to me please
is this the right way for chart draw?
chart.draw(data_123, google.charts.Line.convertOptions(options), {interpolateNulls:true});
I'm asking because these are [date, value] arrays and I added {interpolateNulls:true} since the dates are not overlapping (I hope this is the correct verb)