This is how I connect my Google instance VM to Cloud SQL/ And setup my Wordpress

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Moh'd Irshaid

Mar 24, 2017, 11:23:47 AM3/24/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
I've decided to move from normal hosting companies to Google cloud and run my own server; most of my websites are WordPress. but I want to make sure that what I've done is right .. its working until now! but not sure if it is the best thing to do;

I've created my VM instance;
I've installed vesta cpanel.

But for databases I dont want to host it in the same instance! so under the same project I've created SQL instance,

I connect it to my local MySql Workbench and its connected and worked. 

then in Wordpress wp-config.php file

Username and Password used the same for my sql instance
host i change it from the localhost and used the public ip address for my sql instance

its connected! but i don't know if this is the best solution, I'm taking exactly about the hostname

Please let me know, all videos i've found on internet is talking about google app engine, why? why not just hosting the code on the VM instance and the database on SQL instance then link it togather using the ip address? 

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Adam (Cloud Platform Support)

Mar 24, 2017, 5:22:50 PM3/24/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
One step better than connecting via public IP is to connect to the internal private IP address, as you'll have a faster network path and thus reduced latency and higher bandwidth between your app and your database. Using the internal DNS name is preferable to the IP address which can potentially change.

However, you're still limited to a single application instance and a single database instance. If your user traffic increases past the point that a single instance can handle, you'll be in trouble. This is where App Engine is useful, as it can scale out multiple instances of your application on demand to respond to changes in traffic.

There are many solutions to the problem of scaling though, and App Engine is just one of them. It can also be done on Compute Engine using load balancing, managed instance groups, and autoscaling. Yet another solution is Google Container Engine, which uses Docker containers with Compute Engine resources to scale out.

Moh'd Irshaid

Mar 31, 2017, 5:03:47 PM3/31/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Hi Adam
You mean replace the DB_Host in the wp-config.php file with this exactly:

Since the project id is: ex-growth
and the main domain is:

I tried this but doesnt work .. 

Adam (Cloud Platform Support)

Mar 31, 2017, 5:35:29 PM3/31/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
The 'hostname' portion of the FQDN is not your external domain name. It is the host name of the machine you're connecting to. For example, if you created an instance called 'mysql-server' for your database, the FQDN would be:


Before even trying to connect to a host, you should check that it's even correct first eg. by pinging it. You can also verify the hostname of a machine by SSHing into it and checking /etc/hosts, eg.

$ cat /etc/hosts

The IP and hostname will be listed as the last line of the output.

Moh'd Irshaid

Mar 31, 2017, 5:48:02 PM3/31/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Sorry I dont have much experience with that. I did what you asked me regarding to the hostname but got this error: 

Error establishing a database connection

Now regarding to this file I found this informations only inside it: localhost

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts metadata

Adam (Cloud Platform Support)

Apr 2, 2017, 6:38:55 PM4/2/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
By "ping" I mean use the ping command eg.:
$ ping mysql-server.c.ex-growth.internal

If you get a response it means you got the hostname right. There is no sense trying to connect to a hostname if you don't even know it's correct, as "Error establishing a database connection" won't tell you.

What hostname did you try to connect to? As I mentioned, the one you were trying to use won't work. You don't use your domain; you need to use the name of the instance.

It looks like if you are specifically using an Ubuntu image, the local host name won't be in /etc/hosts. It will show up using any other Linux image. This doesn't matter though, since it doesn't affect your ability to connect to the machine. It just means that you need to figure out the correct hostname yourself.

Adam (Cloud Platform Support)

Apr 7, 2017, 12:54:17 PM4/7/17
Just to clarify, the steps I've been describing relate to setting up a MySQL server on a Compute Engine instance.  If you're using a different solution, such as Google Cloud SQL, then you are limited to using the public IP address or the Cloud SQL Proxy. I only read that you mentioned 'SQL instance' in the description and were talking about Compute Engine so I assumed the former, so I apologize if this was not the case.
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