How to connect from Local linux server to Cloud SQL(Postgress Database)

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srikanta parida

Feb 19, 2020, 9:28:14 AM2/19/20
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Hi ,

i want to load CSV from Linux machine in Cloud SQL (Prosgress database table) .Don'ot know how to proceed  for loading csv in cloud SQL (Postgress)  from linux machine . So need suggestion on this ..

i want to load csv daily in Cloud SQL ..Basically The CSV will  be generated daily from XML received from vendor  using python script .

Your quick suggestion/help  will be appreciated !!!


Jad El Houssami

Feb 20, 2020, 10:50:24 AM2/20/20
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Hello Srikanta, 

Cloud SQL offers the option to import CSV files into your database, you may refer to this page for more details. In your case, using the REST API method would work best, you will need to create a bucket and set the appropriate permissions. Once that is set up, you may then start sending import requests using the provided curl command for Linux machines. 

I hope that this helps point you in the right direction, however you may want to refer to Stack Exchange for how-to and technical questions as the answer-question format on those sites will give your question greater visibility. Google Groups are generally reserved for discussions and opinions about Google products.
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