Connect to Cloud SQL (MySQL) fails via proxy from external Windows 10 Client

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Jörg Hartgen

Oct 30, 2017, 5:58:52 PM10/30/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Dear all,

I'm trying to connect from an external Windows 10 client to CloudSQL (MySQL) and get stuck in the authentification process.

What I did so far:

- Created a folder "C:\cloudsql"
- put the private key "xxx-project-24178a0daa8g.json" into this folder
- put the file "cloud_sql_proxy.exe" into this folder

Then I go to the windows command prompt and go to the folder C:\cloudsql

Now I try to start the proxy by the following command. To do this I follow the example from the following article:

The example for windows is:
cloud_sql_proxy.exe -instances=[INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME]=tcp:3306
-u [USER_NAME] --host
I wonder why in this example the path to the private key is not mentioned.

So my command for starting the proxy is as follows:
cloud_sql_proxy.exe -instances=xxx-project:europe-west3:xxx-instance=tcp:3306 mysql -u root --host

After hitting "enter" I get an error:

" google: could not find default credentials. See for more information."

So I created the environment variable "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" with the value of the path and filename of the private key. It's:

I still get the same message " google: could not find default credentials. See [...]".

How can I start the proxy on a windows 10 client and use it for the connection to my cloud sql?

Best regards

Kamran (Google Cloud Support)

Oct 30, 2017, 10:03:30 PM10/30/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss

Cloud you try using -credential_file=<PATH_TO_KEY_FILE> with the command running Cloud SQL proxy to see if it resolves your issue?

Jörg Hartgen

Oct 31, 2017, 5:19:49 PM10/31/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
I already tried "-credential_file=<PATH_TO_KEY_FILE>", but it did not work.

But: After a restart of my computer the proxy works. The reason for this is that the computer needs a restart for the environment variable to become active.

Kamran (Google Cloud Support)

Oct 31, 2017, 5:30:37 PM10/31/17

Glad to hear that you resolved the issue and thanks for sharing your solution that can help other users who would be experiencing the similar issue. 
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