Recreating database with the same instance id

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Michael Strickland

Feb 15, 2017, 4:04:11 PM2/15/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
I originally created a database through the Google Cloud web console, and later attempted to replicate the steps using gcloud on the command line for reproducibility.

I found a gcloud command that works when creating a new instance with a different name, but attempting to delete the original instance I made, and recreate it using gcloud failed with the following error:

gcloud beta sql instances create stg-mysql-us-central1 \
  --database-version MYSQL_5_7 \
  --activation-policy ALWAYS \
  --tier db-n1-standard-8 \
  --region us-central1 \
  --replication SYNCHRONOUS \
  --storage-size 200GB \
  --storage-type SSD \
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.sql.instances.create) Project [MY_PROJECT] is the subject of a conflict: The Cloud SQL instance already exists.

This error occurs using the web console as well if you try to create an instance with a name you used previously, even if you have since deleted the instance.

Is this expected behavior? Can we expect that names can be reused after a given amount of time?

I found an old issue on the google bug tracker mentioning the same behavior, but there wasn't any resolution:



Feb 15, 2017, 7:36:52 PM2/15/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Hey Michael,

I can replicate this behaviour on my end and it doesn't seem right. I'll be looking at this with a colleague who is more of a specialist in Cloud SQL and we'll update this thread when we determine what's going on.


Cloud Platform Community Support

Pia Chamberlain

Feb 16, 2017, 11:08:03 AM2/16/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
This is expected behavior. From

You cannot reuse an instance name for up to a week after you have deleted an instance.


Feb 16, 2017, 2:20:13 PM2/16/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Thanks Pia. We'll make sure this information is also available on the create-instances page. It might also be useful to include in the error message shown to the users.


Cloud Platform Community Support

Leonardo Faoro

Apr 13, 2018, 8:59:28 AM4/13/18
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
I can't use any name containing similar words:

gcloud sql instances create test1 -> The Cloud SQL instance already exists.
gcloud sql instances create test2 -> The Cloud SQL instance already exists.
gcloud sql instances create test123456 -> The Cloud SQL instance already exists.

Is this behavior expected as well?

Pia Chamberlain

Apr 13, 2018, 12:20:32 PM4/13/18
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
That would not be expected, no. But I can't reproduce that behavior in my project.

Kurt Josephson

Apr 13, 2018, 1:29:27 PM4/13/18
My understanding is that these names need to be unique to all CloudSQL instances.  In this case, you might simply be running up against a whole bunch of other users who decided to use the name 'test' for their first instance and the number got auto-incremented.  It's also possible that this got a little out of hand in terms of overuse of 'test' for an instance name so 'test' + {number} might just not be allowed anymore (but that's pure speculation).  

If you try a naming convention like: {your company name}-test and then try to create {your company name}-test1 it should work just fine.  That way you can still specify that it's a test instance, and then use the {your company name} prefix for future production instances.

Hope this was helpful/correct,


p.s.: I'm not affiliated with google in any way, but have been using CloudSQL for a couple years now and I might be one of the users who created a test+number instance when I first started out :)

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