Couldn't connect to CloudSQL(accessNotConfigured)

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Jiasheng Yang

Nov 8, 2017, 5:48:17 PM11/8/17
Hello all,

I was following the tutorial of running Django application on App Engine(
I downloaded the source code and followed this doc step by step but when I tried to "Run the app on your local computer", I got connection error from cloud_sql_proxy.
Error message like "couldn't connect to "XXXXX": ensure that the account has access to "XXXXXX" (and make sure there's no typo in that name). Error during createEphemeral for XXXXXXX: googleapi: Error 403: Access Not Configured. Cloud SQL Administration API has not been used in project XXXXXXX before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry., accessNotConfigured".

To be specific, I couldn't connect with the CloudSQL database through mySql client. I got the same error message when executing "mysql --host --user root --password" in console.

I'm pretty sure I have enable the Cloud SQL Admin API for long time in that project, and there's no typo in that name.

Any help would be treasured. Thanks a lot.


Jiasheng Yang

Nov 9, 2017, 12:29:39 PM11/9/17
It seems that the "project XXXX" in error message is not the project I'm working on. I tried to use the cmd "gcloud config set project xxx" to switch to my current project. Although it worked, it still display the wrong project number in the error message.
Anyone has that before?

Jiasheng Yang

Nov 9, 2017, 6:41:42 PM11/9/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Got it. It turns out to be that I cannot connect to CloudSQL through proxy.
I resolved that by creating a service account with owner access to this project and using -crendential_file when running the proxy.

On Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 2:48:17 PM UTC-8, Jiasheng Yang wrote:
Hello all,

I was following the tutorial of running Django application on App Engine(
I downloaded the source code and followed this doc step by step but when I tried to "Run the app on your local computer", I got connection error from cloud_sql_proxy.
Error message like "couldn't connect to "django-mysite-185418:us-central1:instance-polls": ensure that the account has access to "django-mysite-185418:us-central1:instance-polls" (and make sure there's no typo in that name). Error during createEphemeral for django-mysite-185418:us-central1:instance-polls: googleapi: Error 403: Access Not Configured. Cloud SQL Administration API has not been used in project 563584335869 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry., accessNotConfigured".

Fady (Google Cloud Platform)

Nov 9, 2017, 8:56:46 PM11/9/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss

Thank you for the information, and the troubleshooting steps. Following this help article, connecting a mysql client using the Cloud SQL Proxy requires enabling the Cloud SQL API and creating a service account with the “ Role, Cloud SQL > Cloud SQL Client” privilege (least authority) before starting the proxy. “ Alternatively, you can use the primitive Editor role by selecting Project > Editor, but the Editor role includes permissions across Google Cloud Platform."

James Qualls

Aug 3, 2018, 8:58:54 AM8/3/18
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Cloud SQL Proxy is built on the golang SDK. There is a standard way that all google cloud libraries load application credentials.
In this case it is likely related to your `$PWD/application_default_credentials.json`. You can fix the issue by running `gcloud auth application-default login`.

This will init the correct credentials into that file and you should be able to start the proxy with your user account and default credentials. Not with a service account.    

Binaya patel

Aug 4, 2018, 6:33:56 AM8/4/18
Thanks  Jiasheng Yang,
Thanks you for your timely help.

I followed the steps as given below and it helps me to resolve the issue:

1.  Ran "gcloud auth application-default login "
       This gave a warning message given below :
        "You are running on a Google Compute Engine virtual machine.
     The service credentials associated with this virtual machine
     will automatically be used by Application Default
     Credentials, so it is not necessary to use this command.

     If you decide to proceed anyway, your user credentials may be visible
     to others with access to this virtual machine. Are you sure you want
     to authenticate with your personal account?
     Do you want to continue (Y/n)?"
        I Entered 'Y", it gives a URL, to generate a token.
       I generated the token and given in the command prompt.
2.  Ran the Proxy setting :
      a. download proxy using the below url
           wget -O cloud_sql_proxy
      b.  chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy
      c. sudo ./cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/cloudsql -instances=<INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME> &
      It shows the confirmation of running of proxy
3. Change the 
After doing all the above 3-steps , it works for me. to runn my python flax application with Postgresql , work in coloud project.
4. Done the below change to make it work after deployment.
    #[START env]
    # Replace user, password, database, and instance connection name with the values obtained
    # when configuring your Cloud SQL instance.
#[END env]

#[START cloudsql_settings]
# Replace project and instance with the values obtained  when configuring your
# Cloud SQL instance.
    cloud_sql_instances: <INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME>
#[END cloudsql_settings]
5. Done the below change in my to get the environment variable:
   import os 
     engine = create_engine(os.environ['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'])
   Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

Just want know , are the steps followed to make it work correct or is there any other steps there to make it work.


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