(CloudSql Import) Cannot import ERROR: ASCII '\0' .. Set --binary mode to 1

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Michael Chambers

May 19, 2017, 9:15:49 AM5/19/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
I was trying to import an sql dump file. However I have this error when I import file from 'cloud storage bucket'

ERROR: ASCII '\0' appeared in the statement, but this is not allowed unless option --binary-mode is enabled and mysql is run in non-interactive mode. Set --binary-mode to 1 if ASCII '\0' is expected. Query: 'xxxxxx-20170517-1803.sql'.

Then i tried using the shell instead
gcloud beta sql instances import jamsai-analytics-sql gs://xxxxxx-bucket-01/xxxxxx-20170517-1803.tar.gz --database analytics
This will then give the same error previously. So I added --binery-mode 1 to the end of the command, which turns out gcloud not supported it.

ERROR: (gcloud.beta.sql.instances.import) unrecognized arguments:

Any suggestion method to import  the database?
Currently the import file is compressed at 5GB, It will be very trouble some to modify

Nicholas (Google Cloud Support)

May 19, 2017, 1:47:14 PM5/19/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Is your file a gzipped .sql file?  Was this uncompressed file created with mysqldump?  Where did this file come from?

Michael Chambers

May 22, 2017, 1:33:37 AM5/22/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
The file is in .tar.gz, Yes is it created by mysqldump from mysql

Michael Chambers

May 22, 2017, 11:53:30 PM5/22/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
I have managed to import using another VM. Using command 

tar -xzOf data.tar.gz | mysql -u dev -pPAssword -h x.x.x.x data
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