Creating a Cloud SQL instance within a VPC

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Daniel Bouffard

Nov 11, 2020, 2:42:09 PM11/11/20
to Google Cloud SQL discuss

I have a VPC that has a private IP subnet assigned to it. Is it possible to instantiate a Cloud SQL instance (postgres in my case) that uses the VPC's subnet? I've tried creating Cloud SQL instances but they use a separate Google-managed private subnet (private service connection) that is then made available to machines in my VPC's subnet.

I've looked through the online documentation but I haven't been able to find an answer for this, so any information is greatly appreciated!

Elliott (Google Cloud Platform Support)

Nov 11, 2020, 6:07:23 PM11/11/20
to Google Cloud SQL discuss

I've found in this document that:

You can create Cloud SQL instances with private IP addresses in a Shared VPC network. However, you cannot assign a private IP address in a Shared VPC network to an existing Cloud SQL instance.

I hope the document is sufficient for you.

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