Our application has become slow since Dec 8. Please help.

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Ganesh Ranganathan

12 dec 2015, 06:59:5612-12-2015
aan Google Cloud SQL discuss

Our Google app engine application was developed in java and hibernate framework is connected with cloudSQL.

No changes has been done to code in the past three months.

Typically the page loading time is very good and pages load in 3 seconds.

Query execution takes 2 or less seconds to execute.

From December 8th, our application has become very slow and it takes upto 15 seconds to load the pages.

I have visited status.cloud.google.com and looks like all services seem to be normal in my cloud console.

From the stats I notice that Google App Engine Service Outage occurred on Dec 8 and Dec 9.

Refer screens attached.

Also from the traces, the rdbms.openConnection and rdbms.Exec takes long time to execute.


I have done the following to improve the performance,

1. Checked the Memcache service.

2. Stopped the queue process.

3. Modified the performance settings.

4. I checked the Google API services enabled for our application and disabled the unwanted API.

5. Updated the appengine SDK to the latest version and deployed the application in new version.


Can anyone suggest the reason behind this sudden slow responses and how to get our application back to its previous performance. I would really appreciate your help.

Google Cloud Status - description.png
Google Cloud Status.png

David Newgas

14 dec 2015, 12:56:0314-12-2015
aan Google Cloud SQL discuss
Are you using the com.google.appengine.api.rdbms.AppEngineDriver or com.google.cloud.sql.jdbc.Driver jdbc driver? If so try adding "<use-google-connector-j>true</use-google-connector-j>" to appengine-web.xml and using the newer com.mysql.jdbc.GoogleDriver as described in our docs.

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