setting tx_isolation flag to READ-COMMITTED

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Elia Palme

Nov 11, 2015, 5:33:50 AM11/11/15
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
We have the need to set the default isolation level to READ-COMMITTED. Unfortunately the tx_isolation flag is not stable. How can we set the default isolation level to READ-COMMITTED?

Elia Palme

Nov 11, 2015, 6:01:47 AM11/11/15
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Also other important flags we need to set are:

  • innodb_flush_method= O_DIRECT
  • collation_connection= utf8mb4_unicode_ci
  • tx_isolation= READ-COMMITTED
  • innodb_file_format= Barracuda
Some background on our needs, we are a tech company who developed a framework for News aggregation and real time new clustering and filtering. We are processing around 150K news articles a day. Scanning more than 10K websites every 5 min. It is crucial for us to have fast writes on our DB, also due to our clustering algorithms we need "READ-COMMITTED" to avoid dead locks (can't set it at connection set-up too much code to change). utf8mb4_unicode_ci is used to store emoji and the Barracuda file formatted is required for row compression as most of our data is text and can easily be compressed to maintain the DB size moderate.


David Newgas

Nov 11, 2015, 12:10:16 PM11/11/15
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Hi Elia,

Currently you need to set the isolation level with every session. A guide to doing this is in the MySQL documentation. I have opened a feature request to see if we can make tx_isolation one of the approved Cloud SQL flags.

As for the other flags you mention:
  • Setting innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT on Cloud SQL will not help performance as our replicated storage does not function the same as disks attached to a regular machine.
  • collation_connection is not needed to store emoji; using character_set_server=utf8mb4 and setting the connection character set to utf8mb4 when opening the connection should be sufficient.
  • innodb_file_format=Barracuda is currently not tested on Cloud SQL so we cannot support it. As MySQL 5.7 uses Barracuda by default we will probably support it when we have MySQL 5.7 support.

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Elia Palme

Nov 12, 2015, 7:58:37 AM11/12/15
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Thanks David, for your quick reply.
I will keep an eye on the approved Cloud SQL flags.

Hope you will support MySQL 5.7 soon.

Thanks again

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