Excessive Memory Usage - Postgres

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Mike Hardy

Oct 29, 2017, 12:35:52 PM10/29/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Hiya, we created a new Postgres instance and restored a database. The restore only took two hours, but as you can see in the attached memory usage graph, the memory usage has stayed high ever since. 

This is a test DB and it's had near zero usage since the restore operation. 

We did not change any of the default settings - I've included the settings below. 

What's going on with this? Is there a way to better tune this instance? I know postgres is in beta and we have limited options but suggestions/tips are much appreciated.

Setting Value
allow_system_table_mods off
application_name Postico 1.2.3
archive_command (disabled)
archive_mode off
archive_timeout 300
array_nulls on
authentication_timeout 60
autovacuum on
autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor 0.1
autovacuum_analyze_threshold 50
autovacuum_freeze_max_age 200000000
autovacuum_max_workers 3
autovacuum_multixact_freeze_max_age 400000000
autovacuum_naptime 60
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay 20
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit -1
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor 0.2
autovacuum_vacuum_threshold 50
autovacuum_work_mem -1
backend_flush_after 0
backslash_quote safe_encoding
bgwriter_delay 200
bgwriter_flush_after 64
bgwriter_lru_maxpages 100
bgwriter_lru_multiplier 2
block_size 8192
bonjour off
bytea_output hex
check_function_bodies on
checkpoint_completion_target 0.5
checkpoint_flush_after 32
checkpoint_timeout 300
checkpoint_warning 30
client_encoding UNICODE
client_min_messages notice
commit_delay 0
commit_siblings 5
constraint_exclusion partition
cpu_index_tuple_cost 0.005
cpu_operator_cost 0.0025
cpu_tuple_cost 0.01
cursor_tuple_fraction 0.1
data_checksums on
DateStyle ISO, MDY
db_user_namespace off
deadlock_timeout 1000
debug_assertions off
debug_pretty_print on
debug_print_parse off
debug_print_plan off
debug_print_rewritten off
default_statistics_target 100
default_text_search_config pg_catalog.english
default_transaction_deferrable off
default_transaction_isolation read committed
default_transaction_read_only off
default_with_oids off
dynamic_shared_memory_type posix
effective_cache_size 524288
effective_io_concurrency 1
enable_bitmapscan on
enable_hashagg on
enable_hashjoin on
enable_indexonlyscan on
enable_indexscan on
enable_material on
enable_mergejoin on
enable_nestloop on
enable_seqscan on
enable_sort on
enable_tidscan on
escape_string_warning on
event_source PostgreSQL
exit_on_error off
extra_float_digits 3
force_parallel_mode off
from_collapse_limit 8
fsync on
full_page_writes on
geqo on
geqo_effort 5
geqo_generations 0
geqo_pool_size 0
geqo_seed 0
geqo_selection_bias 2
geqo_threshold 12
gin_fuzzy_search_limit 0
gin_pending_list_limit 4096
hot_standby on
hot_standby_feedback off
huge_pages try
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout 0
ignore_checksum_failure off
ignore_system_indexes off
integer_datetimes on
IntervalStyle postgres
join_collapse_limit 8
krb_caseins_users off
lc_collate en_US.UTF8
lc_ctype en_US.UTF8
lc_messages en_US.UTF8
lc_monetary en_US.UTF8
lc_numeric en_US.UTF8
lc_time en_US.UTF8
listen_addresses *
lo_compat_privileges off
lock_timeout 0
log_autovacuum_min_duration -1
log_checkpoints off
log_connections off
log_destination stderr
log_disconnections off
log_duration off
log_error_verbosity default
log_executor_stats off
log_file_mode 600
log_hostname off
log_lock_waits off
log_min_duration_statement -1
log_min_error_statement error
log_min_messages warning
log_parser_stats off
log_planner_stats off
log_replication_commands off
log_rotation_age 1440
log_rotation_size 10240
log_statement none
log_statement_stats off
log_temp_files 0
log_timezone UTC
log_truncate_on_rotation off
logging_collector off
maintenance_work_mem 65536
max_connections 100
max_files_per_process 1000
max_function_args 100
max_identifier_length 63
max_index_keys 32
max_locks_per_transaction 64
max_parallel_workers_per_gather 0
max_pred_locks_per_transaction 64
max_prepared_transactions 0
max_replication_slots 10
max_stack_depth 2048
max_standby_archive_delay 30000
max_standby_streaming_delay 30000
max_wal_senders 10
max_wal_size 64
max_worker_processes 8
min_parallel_relation_size 1024
min_wal_size 5
old_snapshot_threshold -1
operator_precedence_warning off
parallel_setup_cost 1000
parallel_tuple_cost 0.1
password_encryption on
pg_stat_statements.max 5000
pg_stat_statements.save on
pg_stat_statements.track top
pg_stat_statements.track_utility on
port 5432
post_auth_delay 0
pre_auth_delay 0
quote_all_identifiers off
random_page_cost 4
replacement_sort_tuples 150000
restart_after_crash on
row_security on
search_path "$user", public
segment_size 131072
seq_page_cost 1
server_encoding UTF8
server_version 9.6.1
server_version_num 90601
session_replication_role origin
shared_buffers 16384
sql_inheritance on
ssl on
ssl_ca_file root.crt
ssl_cert_file server.crt
ssl_key_file server.key
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on
standard_conforming_strings on
statement_timeout 0
superuser_reserved_connections 3
synchronize_seqscans on
synchronous_commit on
syslog_facility local0
syslog_ident postgres
syslog_sequence_numbers on
syslog_split_messages on
tcp_keepalives_count 9
tcp_keepalives_idle 60
tcp_keepalives_interval 75
temp_buffers 1024
temp_file_limit -1
TimeZone UTC
timezone_abbreviations Default
trace_notify off
trace_recovery_messages log
trace_sort off
track_activities on
track_activity_query_size 1024
track_commit_timestamp off
track_counts on
track_functions none
track_io_timing off
transaction_deferrable off
transaction_isolation read committed
transaction_read_only off
transform_null_equals off
unix_socket_permissions 777
update_process_title on
vacuum_cost_delay 0
vacuum_cost_limit 200
vacuum_cost_page_dirty 20
vacuum_cost_page_hit 1
vacuum_cost_page_miss 10
vacuum_defer_cleanup_age 0
vacuum_freeze_min_age 50000000
vacuum_freeze_table_age 150000000
vacuum_multixact_freeze_min_age 5000000
vacuum_multixact_freeze_table_age 150000000
wal_block_size 8192
wal_buffers 512
wal_compression off
wal_keep_segments 0
wal_level replica
wal_log_hints off
wal_receiver_status_interval 10
wal_receiver_timeout 60000
wal_retrieve_retry_interval 5000
wal_segment_size 2048
wal_sender_timeout 60000
wal_sync_method fdatasync
wal_writer_delay 200
wal_writer_flush_after 128
work_mem 4096
xmlbinary base64
xmloption content
zero_damaged_pages off
Screen Shot 2017-10-29 at 9.23.55 AM.png

George (Cloud Platform Support)

Oct 30, 2017, 3:33:08 PM10/30/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Hello Mike, 

Is memory usage still high in value right now? If your instance hasn't been in use for a while, and the activation policy value is set to "ON_DEMAND", there will be little memory usage shown prior to actual use, in your case the backup restore operation. Your instance remains up for 15 minutes after the completion of the last access, so you won't notice an immediate drop in memory usage. This is documented in the "How is use of my instance calculated?" sub-chapter of the "Cloud SQL FAQ" online document

For the actual tuning of your PostgreSQL database, you may have a look at the "18.4. Resource Consumption" page of the PostgreSQL documentation. 

Mike Hardy

Oct 30, 2017, 3:37:41 PM10/30/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Hi George, memory usage stayed high until I restarted the instance. That's not practical when we're in production.

The Cloud SQL FAQ resource seems related to billing, which I have no doubts about. We plan to use this instance continuously with no/minimal downtime.

Vladimir Rusinov

Oct 31, 2017, 7:54:26 AM10/31/17
to google-cloud...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mike,

What is your instance size?
Most likely cause of memory usage is PostgreSQL's shared_buffers. It is expected that around 1/3rd of the memory will be used by them pretty much all the time. Memory usage will be low immediately after restart since shared_buffers will be empty, but this is expected to grow over time.
PostgreSQL does not discard any 'old' contents of shared_buffers since they may be still useful, which should explain why usage continued to stay high after import even though instance was idle.

Please let us know if you see memory usage of more than a third of the total memory on idle instance.

Thank you!

Vladimir Rusinov
PostgreSQL SRE, Google Ireland

Google Ireland Ltd.,Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland
Registered in Dublin, Ireland
Registration Number: 368047

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Mike Hardy

Oct 31, 2017, 11:45:52 AM10/31/17
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Hi Vladimir, thanks for the answer - it's 2 cores + 7.5GB. I believe memory usage was somewhere around 3GB until I restarted the machine.
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