SQL instance created under shared-vpc network is not reachable from the instance that is created on same network.

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Karthick AR

Feb 26, 2019, 1:12:19 PM2/26/19
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Could you tell me how to get the connection working from instance or GKE(private cluster) that is created on shared VPC network to connect to SQL instance that is created on sharedVPC private network?

1. Service networking API is enabled in the project. 


Apr 2, 2019, 7:06:34 PM4/2/19
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
According to this document, Cloud SQL instances reside in their own parent VPC network, and it is not possible to move the instance to a different shared VPC service network. However, you can configure the Private IP with the shared VPC service network on the Cloud SQL instance at creation time. That said, the private services access must already be configured for the network and setting the Private IP will only work when you are creating a new Cloud SQL instance with the gcloud beta command.

For more details on how to configure the connection on GKE, please go over this document.
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