Async calls from Java to datastore

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Susan Lin

Dec 9, 2015, 6:40:41 PM12/9/15
to Google App Engine

I do not want to block threads in my application and so I am wondering are calls to the the Google Datastore async? For example the docs show something like this to retrieve an entity:

// Key employeeKey = ...;
LookupRequest request = LookupRequest.newBuilder().addKey(employeeKey).build();
LookupResponse response = datastore.lookup(request);
if (response.getMissingCount() == 1) {
  throw new RuntimeException("entity not found");
Entity employee = response.getFound(0).getEntity();

This does not look like an async call to me, so it is possible to make aysnc calls to the database in Java? I noticed App engine has some libraries for async calls in its Java API, but I am not using appengine, I will be calling the datastore from my own instances. As well, if there is an async library can I test it on my local server (for example app engine's async library I could not find a way to set it up to use my local server for example I this library can't get my environment variables).

Alex Martelli

Dec 9, 2015, 7:21:00 PM12/9/15
I've answered on Stackoverflow, where you posted the identical question at -- let's please keep the conversation there, where a larger community can listen, chime in, learn, and so on. In general, Stackoverflow (for development questions) and Serverfault (for system administration questions) are more appropriate venues than Google Groups, except for issues deemed inappropriate there (such as more general discussions, or requests for advice about, e.g, books to study, or libraries to choose).

Also, it would reduce the confusion quotient if you didn't tag as google-app-engine (and post to this google-appengine group) questions when, as you said, you are not using appengine. google-cloud-datastore is the appropriate tag on Stackoverflow (in the case of this specific question, I have already performed the needed tag-edit for you), and google-cloud-platform the appropriate Google Group for questions unsuitable for the Stack sites -- for a complete list of appropriate community support channels, see .

As Google Cloud Platform tech support, we monitor all of those channels, and all our sponsored tags on Stack, so you never lose anything by posting issues appropriately -- on the contrary, you may gain by attracting the attention of a more appropriate community, the many people outside of our tech support group who can and do answer some of the technical questions posed on such public channels. As a hypothetical example to explain how this might help you -- and everybody else interested in the answer -- consider that a non-support Google engineer working on Cloud Datastore outside of App Engine may well keep an eye on the specific google-cloud-datastore tag on StackOverflow, and sometimes answer technical questions there, but not follow at all the google-app-engine tag, if it's outside of his or her specialized technical expertise.



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