Trouble to deploy and download dependencies

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Dongcheng Li

Feb 12, 2020, 4:45:33 PM2/12/20
to Google App Engine

Before you deploy, ensure you have all the things (like libraries, other software) you need to be successful. The deploy script mentioned in the section below will try to download any dependencies also, but in this step you will get more messages about the process. These messages may help you if anything is wrong. To download dependencies, open a command prompt and get to your coursebuilder directory. Type the following command:

bash ./scripts/

I am stuck on this step. After type this command, it showed


Does anyone know what caused it? Any clue? Thanks.

Andrew Gorcester

Feb 12, 2020, 5:17:28 PM2/12/20
Hi, you're probably looking at the Course Builder documentation on a windows machine, right? You can install Cygwin, or if you have Windows 10, you can instead install Windows Subsystem for Linux, and that should get you a command prompt from which you can run bash without issue.

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Dongcheng Li

Feb 13, 2020, 9:18:34 AM2/13/20
to Google App Engine
Thank you. It passed this step. However, another issue appear

Windows is now supported as of version 1.11. In the scripts directory, there are two batch files:

  • windows_start_local.bat starts a local dev server so you can explore Course Builder in your browser for testing.
  • windows_deploy.bat deploys your application to Google App Engine.

Note: If you have an older version of Windows, you may need to manually download Cygwin. Watch the terminal for errors and instructions.

When I run  windows_start_local.bat   OR  windows_deploy.bat,  the window of Command Prompt showed 


I am wondering how I can run $ xcode-select --install from Command Prompt.

Thank you for your help.


On Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 5:17:28 PM UTC-5, Andrew Gorcester wrote:
Hi, you're probably looking at the Course Builder documentation on a windows machine, right? You can install Cygwin, or if you have Windows 10, you can instead install Windows Subsystem for Linux, and that should get you a command prompt from which you can run bash without issue.

On Wed, Feb 12, 2020, 1:45 PM Dongcheng Li <> wrote:

Before you deploy, ensure you have all the things (like libraries, other software) you need to be successful. The deploy script mentioned in the section below will try to download any dependencies also, but in this step you will get more messages about the process. These messages may help you if anything is wrong. To download dependencies, open a command prompt and get to your coursebuilder directory. Type the following command:

bash ./scripts/

I am stuck on this step. After type this command, it showed


Does anyone know what caused it? Any clue? Thanks.

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Dongcheng Li

Feb 13, 2020, 9:18:36 AM2/13/20
Thank you. It passed this step. However, another issue appear

Windows is now supported as of version 1.11. In the scripts directory, there are two batch files:

  • windows_start_local.bat starts a local dev server so you can explore Course Builder in your browser for testing.
  • windows_deploy.bat deploys your application to Google App Engine.

Note: If you have an older version of Windows, you may need to manually download Cygwin. Watch the terminal for errors and instructions.

When I run  windows_start_local.bat   OR  windows_deploy.bat,  the window of Command Prompt showed 


I am wondering how I can run $ xcode-select --install from Command Prompt.

Thank you for your help.


Mua Rachmann

Feb 13, 2020, 9:36:29 AM2/13/20
Xcode is a tool for Mac OS if I am not mistaken. 
You should try to look for a windows installation guide rather else I doubt it will go through.



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Andrew Gorcester

Feb 13, 2020, 12:18:41 PM2/13/20
That message from pycrypto is misleading. xcode is only needed on osx. For Windows you need a different way to install a C compiler. If you are using Cygwin, there should be a Cygwin package for a compiler such as gcc available but I'm afraid I am not certain about the details.

Dongcheng Li

Feb 13, 2020, 3:15:06 PM2/13/20
Thank you for your reply. The issue was fixed.

Have a great day!


ramesh bandaru

Apr 27, 2020, 11:50:10 AM4/27/20
to Google App Engine
how u solved this problem...
once give me the clarity about that one..

thanks in advance
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Massage School

May 19, 2020, 7:26:52 AM5/19/20
to Google App Engine
Yes, you are right ! But under windows platform, it still shows the same error message; xcode-select --install
How can I solve this problem ? Please advise.

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May 19, 2020, 9:39:10 AM5/19/20
to Google App Engine
Please to be clear, the error is not "xcode-select --install". As far as I know, the error message is a Compilation error building pycrypto-2.6.1. Using xcode-select --install is just a way to fix such types of errors when in an OSX environment. Apparently, that is not your environment as you confirmed using a Windows environment. 

That being said, in a Windows environment, there might be a number of reasons for this error and different steps suggested on this GitHub thread[1] I suggest you try the steps suggested and ensure that you are running the appropriate Python Version. 

Meanwhile, one of my colleagues successfully deployed the CourseBuilder to a GCE VM by following the following steps below. I am hopeful the steps would be helpful to those trying to deploy the CourseBuilder to a VM environment:

1. Create a Compute Engine instance with the machine type “n1-standard-1”, the default image and the “Allow full access to all Cloud APIs” option enabled.

2. Connect to the instance, and use the command “sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get install unzip && sudo apt-get install -y python-dev && sudo apt-get install -y git && sudo apt-get install -y build-essential manpages-dev”.

Note that this command may need some time, and will ask for some prompts.

3. At a point, you should encounter a blue screen, inside said screen select the second option, then the first option, and finally “yes”.
Run the command “wget && unzip\?raw\=true” in order to download and unzip the coursebuilder information.

4. Run the command “bash coursebuilder/scripts/”.

5. After this, run the command “wget -O coursebuilder_resources_1_11_001/runtime/google_appengine/lib/httplib2/httplib2/cacerts.txt” in order to get a new certificate for Coursebuilder.

6. Finally, run the command “bash ./coursebuilder/scripts/ exploretice --noauth_local_webserver”. It is possible that you may be prompted to open a link in a browser in order to authorize this operation.

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