Are some feeds working again?

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Dec 3, 2015, 6:15:05 PM12/3/15
to Google AJAX APIs
It looks like at least some slideshows are working again.  Here is Google's own "hello world" example, which was not working yesterday, but appears to be back:

Does anyone have any word from Google? 

George C

Dec 3, 2015, 7:04:12 PM12/3/15
to Google AJAX APIs
Works for me on my sites as well all of a sudden. Some clarification from Google would be appreciated.

Alien Cheung

Dec 3, 2015, 11:11:58 PM12/3/15
to Google AJAX APIs

Json feed in google Trends is back...but the news feed still not working
poxb...@bepress.com於 2015年12月4日星期五 UTC+8上午7時15分05秒寫道:

Самбуев Жаргал

Dec 4, 2015, 7:05:18 AM12/4/15
to Google AJAX APIs
Yes all my feeds on my website has started to work again, but I cannot use it, no more trust to google unfortunately. 
Can they clarify this situation? Millions websites has been affected. 

Brian K

Dec 4, 2015, 11:28:41 AM12/4/15
to Google AJAX APIs
Everything is working for me as well. I'm looking at it as a brief reprieve. Working on a permanent in-house solution. Haven't seen anything from Google yet.

Abstract Radio

Dec 4, 2015, 11:28:41 AM12/4/15
to Google AJAX APIs
So, it would appear to be back today - 4.12.2015
I imagine this most likely to be a temporary stay of execution  - a shot across the bows - and g-feeds will die a final death sometime soon.

Obviously, this IS a crying shame, as I am guessing there are vast swathes of cleverness out there which will cease to function, as happened yesterday.
And obviously, it sets us all scrabbling about, looking for and implementing alternative solutions - it's not as though we don't have better things to do with our time.
The biggest issue [for us at least] is that all alternatives available are just not as good - clunky implementation, impenetrable coding practices, equally unreliable futures etc etc - and so, the removal of g-feeds is basically just one big backwards step.

Come on Google, say it ain't so?

ps - Q: what alternatives are you using?

Kenneth Pereira

Dec 4, 2015, 12:25:36 PM12/4/15
to Google AJAX APIs
It would be great to get an update from Google as to how long this will remain active. My company is looking at creating an in-house service to replace this, but we're going to switch to YQL until that is complete.

John Mueller

Dec 5, 2015, 3:13:58 PM12/5/15
to Google AJAX APIs
I work at Google mostly on web-search, but have also worked together with the folks who run the feeds API. I'll double-check with them to see what we can post for you all here. Given the weekend, it might be Monday / Tuesday before we have more to share though. Sorry for the back & forth on this!


Milton Plebeu

Dec 7, 2015, 8:08:29 AM12/7/15
to Google AJAX APIs
Does anyone know if it is safe to make use this service?
The google will keep this API?

Jeremy Geerdes

Dec 7, 2015, 8:12:43 AM12/7/15

Even though the Feeds API is functioning for now, it is STRONGLY recommended that you find (or build) an alternative service. The service has been deprecated and may be permanently shut down at any time.


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Abstract Radio

Dec 7, 2015, 8:57:33 AM12/7/15
to Google AJAX APIs
Hi John,
Thanks for the message - have any further info. for us today?

Mark O'Sullivan

Dec 8, 2015, 3:36:02 PM12/8/15
to Google AJAX APIs
Hoping to hear back about this soon. Would be excellent if they changed their mind and brought the feeds API back permanently. I'm sure some users would be willing to pay for it if there was a similar pricing to Superfeedr as I've read people find Superfeedr complicated to use.

John Mueller

Dec 8, 2015, 5:57:12 PM12/8/15
to Google AJAX APIs
The good news is that it's back, and we hope to keep it up & running! 

The less-good news is that we haven't finalized a plan for the longer term. 

We'll update here as we have more, but in the meantime, please do feel free to continue to use this API. 


Jeff Fischer

Dec 8, 2015, 8:12:10 PM12/8/15
to Google AJAX APIs
Thanks for the hopeful update, John. It seems to be up-and-down, though. My news feeds were working this morning (PST), but right at this moment they are down again.

-- Jeff

Jeff Fischer

Dec 12, 2015, 6:43:21 PM12/12/15
to Google AJAX APIs
Doh! Pilot error, sorry. Feeds are working fine.


Jan 7, 2016, 5:10:52 PM1/7/16
to Google AJAX APIs
Does anyone know if the google images api is still running as it was before?

Thanks John for restoring the apis.

Jeff Fischer

May 24, 2016, 4:32:38 PM5/24/16
to Google AJAX APIs
So we had a nice five-month extension, but since it's been a few weeks now, I'm assuming the news API is gone for good this time?

On Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 2:57:12 PM UTC-8, John Mueller wrote:

Abstract Radio

May 24, 2016, 4:57:26 PM5/24/16
to Google AJAX APIs
My google.feed does appear to be currently working, but it is not the news API.

Jeremy Geerdes

May 24, 2016, 5:16:43 PM5/24/16

The News Search API is dead. I haven't tested the Feeds API for some time. Regardless, I certainly would not trust it to power any critical functionality.


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