73% of employees surveyed struggled to afford anything beyond basic living expenses

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June Zaccone

Jan 27, 2025, 10:56:25 PMJan 27
to goodjobs list

New research reveals financial stress is hurting the morale, motivation, and productivity of U.S. workers.

A recent survey by Resume Now reveals that financial stress has reached a breaking point for American workers, with 73% of employees struggling to afford anything beyond their basic living expenses. 

The 2025 Wage Reality Report reveals a growing dissatisfaction with salaries, rising living costs, and the toll these challenges are taking on workplace morale. Based on responses from 1,065 U.S. workers surveyed in December 2024, the report sheds light on the widening gap between wages and the cost of modern living.

So, what are the real impacts of this financial stress on workers' lives, and how are they coping with the challenges of rising costs and stagnant wages?

Key Findings

  • 12% often cannot afford basic living expenses, and 24% struggle to cover essentials.
  • Only 6% are able to save for the future.
  • One-third of workers say their salary has not kept up with inflation.
  • 55% think their salary is lower than it should be.
  • 29% have moved to lower-cost areas or housing to navigate financial strain.
  • 3 in 10 have taken on debt to cover living expenses.
  • Only 4% of workers feel truly valued in their role.

 link from nakedcapitalism.com

June Zaccone
National Jobs for All Network
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