How to deploy the tour website ?

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mustafa asaad

19.9.2021 klo 13.43.5619.9.2021
Hi, I want to translate the go tour to Arabic I have finished the first page of the tour and I want to check if everything is good so when I want to deploy the website to app engine, it's asking me for money and even when I want to get 90 days free trial my credit card been rejected! (I think because of my country) also and I don't know how to deploy the website to app engine, it's confusing 
so can you please give instructions to deploy the website the right way and for free 
because that is what you say "This shouldn't cost you anything; the Tour App usually runs inside App Engine's free quota."

Thank you 


27.9.2021 klo 7.45.0127.9.2021
vastaanottaja mustafa asaad,
On Sun, 19 Sep 2021 12:42:42 +0300
mustafa asaad <> wrote:

> Hi, I want to translate the go tour to Arabic I have finished the
> first page of the tour and I want to check if everything is good so
> when I want to deploy the website to app engine, it's asking me for
> money and even when I want to get 90 days free trial my credit card
> been rejected! (I think because of my country) also and I don't know

I believe the Google Cloud now require credit-card for free trials.

> how to deploy the website to app engine, it's confusing
> so can you please give instructions to deploy the website the right
> way and for free
> because that is what you say "This shouldn't cost you anything; the
> Tour App usually runs inside App Engine's free quota."
> in
> Thank you

I am kinda forget the precise step by step instructions, but in

* Install the gcloud CLI [1]. Make sure you follow the setup at
least until "Authorizing Cloud SDK Tools" [2]

* Open or activated your Google cloud console account [3]

* Create new project on Google cloud:

Let say your project name is "go-tour-arabic".

* Go to your Tour translation repository,

** Update the "app.yaml", set the "service" to "default",

** Run the following command,

$ gcloud --project=go-tour-arabic app deploy --promote app.yaml

Wait for several minutes, if everything works correctly, your tour
translation should be accessed on https://<PROJECT-NAME>

I hope that can help.

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