Suggestion for improvement in GlorpSession createTables

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Oct 29, 2020, 8:59:25 AM10/29/20
to glorp-group
Hi there,

In all versions of Glorp I have access to, there are way too many halts. Take a look at

    "Create the tables for our descriptor system. This will fail if the tables already exist. Use recreateTables for that."

    | sequences |

    system platform areSequencesExplicitlyCreated
        ifTrue: [
            sequences := self system allSequencesFor: aCollection.
            sequences do: [:each | accessor createSequence: each ifError: [:ex | self halt]]].
    aCollection do: [:each | accessor createTable: each ifError: [:ex | self halt]].
    aCollection do: [:each | accessor createTableIndexes: each ifError: [:ex | self halt]].
    self platform supportsConstraints
        ifTrue: [
                do: [:each | accessor createTableFKConstraints: each ifError: [:ex | self halt]]]

None of these halts should be in the code for multiple reasons:

first, a halt stops a running image and there is not much you can do.
second: a halt does not provide any helpful information to a developer who is looking for the problem. Especially when a method includes multiple halts, it is almost impossible to find out what could have gone wrong.
third: use of Exceptions would make catching them and providing helpful information much easier.

When I last stumbled over this it was a halt occuring in the schema evolution part of starting ap a new version of a headless server image. It took me quite a while to understand that "my" halt was the first one. Once I had that it was easy to guess I was trying to create an already existing sequence. If something useful had been done in the ifError: block, and be it just a simple [:ex| Error signal: 'Sequence creation failed: ', ex description] instead of a halt, I would probably have saved an hour of guesswork.

If there was a process or platform to exchange ideas like this - be it guthub or whatever, such things could be improved in a matter of a few hours or days. Adding the Code, posting a few comments and maybe a test case, could be fast and effective
But the way things work right now, it takes years or doesn't happen at all, because I have no idea who to talk to and how to push changes upstream and maybe have them reviewed...

Any suggestions?


Tom Robinson

Oct 29, 2020, 11:53:47 AM10/29/20
I believe that Alan has the right to get complete source code any time he would like. Maybe it's time to ask him it pull a copy and put give it to someone to put on GitHub.

As far as the PUL not working on Catalina, my suggestion would be to install in a VirtualBox Linux VM.  That would allow you to pull code from the Public Repo using the guest/guest account.
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