Galting stop simulation without root cause

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Vinicius Costa

Sep 17, 2021, 9:20:48 AM9/17/21
to Gatling User Group
Hi there,

I'm having a weird issue when run my perfomance tests inside jenkins for the last couple days and any help would be good:

I'm using the gradle plugin so in my jenkins I run ./gradlew gatlingRun

For some reason during the job (usually around 15 min) gatling stops and the only logs I have looks like this:

> Task :gatlingRun FAILED
:gatlingRun (Thread[Execution worker for ':',5,main]) completed. Took 17 mins 27.49 secs.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':gatlingRun'.
> There're failed simulations: com.test.MySimulation

I don't have any other information and the gatling report was not generated and
I don't have ay request/response errors on the logs.

Looking at the simulation.log everything seems fine and the last entry looks like this:

USER    Product    START    Test

This is the following config I'm using:

plugins {
    id "io.gatling.gradle" version "3.6.1"

gatling {
    toolVersion = "3.6.1"
    logLevel = "INFO"
    logHttp = "FAILURES"

and this is my gatling.conf

# Gatling Configuration #

gatling {
  core {
    encoding = "utf-8"           # Encoding to use throughout Gatling for file and string manipulation
    feederAdaptiveLoadModeThreshold = 100   # File size threshold (in MB). Below load eagerly in memory, above use batch mode with default buffer size
    shutdownTimeout = 10000                 # Milliseconds to wait for the actor system to shutdown
    directory {
      binaries = build/classes/test                            # If set, name of the folder where compiles classes are located: Defaults to GATLING_HOME/target.
      results = build/reports/performanceTest                       # Name of the folder where all reports folder are located
  socket {
    connectTimeout = 100000                # Timeout in millis for establishing a TCP socket
    tcpNoDelay = true
    soKeepAlive = false                    # if TCP keepalive configured at OS level should be used
    soReuseAddress = false
  netty {
    useNativeTransport = false              # if Netty native transport should be used instead of Java NIO
    allocator = "pooled"                   # switch to unpooled for unpooled ByteBufAllocator
    maxThreadLocalCharBufferSize = 200000  # Netty's default is 16k
  ssl {
    useOpenSsl = false                    # if OpenSSL should be used instead of JSSE (only the latter can be debugged with
    useOpenSslFinalizers = false         # if OpenSSL contexts should be freed with Finalizer or if using RefCounted is fine
    handshakeTimeout = 100000             # TLS handshake timeout in millis
    useInsecureTrustManager = true       # Use an insecure TrustManager that trusts all server certificates
  charting {
    indicators {
      lowerBound = 600      # Lower bound for the requests' response time to track in the reports and the console summary
      higherBound = 1200    # Higher bound for the requests' response time to track in the reports and the console summary
      percentile1 = 50      # Value for the 1st percentile to track in the reports, the console summary and Graphite
      percentile2 = 75      # Value for the 2nd percentile to track in the reports, the console summary and Graphite
      percentile3 = 95      # Value for the 3rd percentile to track in the reports, the console summary and Graphite
      percentile4 = 99        # Value for the 4th percentile to track in the reports, the console summary and Graphite
  http {
    pooledConnectionIdleTimeout = 60000       # Timeout in millis for a connection to stay idle in the pool
    requestTimeout = 600000                    # Timeout in millis for performing an HTTP request
    enableHostnameVerification = false        # When set to true, enable hostname verification: SSLEngine.setHttpsEndpointIdentificationAlgorithm("HTTPS")
    dns {
      queryTimeout = 5000                     # Timeout in millis of each DNS query in millis
      maxQueriesPerResolve = 6                # Maximum allowed number of DNS queries for a given name resolution
  data {
    writers = [console, file]      # The list of DataWriters to which Gatling write simulation data (currently supported : console, file, graphite)
    console {
      light = false                # When set to true, displays a light version without detailed request stats
      writePeriod = 5              # Write interval, in seconds
    file {
      bufferSize = 8192            # FileDataWriter's internal data buffer size, in bytes
    leak {
      noActivityTimeout = 30  # Period, in seconds, for which Gatling may have no activity before considering a leak may be happening



Is there a way I can enable gatling logs to check the exception ?

I already tried all the gradle options like `--stacktrace`  and `--debug` but the error message is the same.



Sep 17, 2021, 10:27:36 AM9/17/21

Are you able to run this same test manually?
Does it last for more than 15 minutes?


Stéphane Landelle

Chief Technical Officer
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