OT: Pay-What-You-Can Counseling for DC-area Creatives

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Joy Jones

Oct 24, 2021, 6:25:00 PM10/24/21
to Galvanize
Happy Fall Galvanize:

Mental health is health.  If you or someone in our community could benefit from low-cost (or no-cost) counseling, follow this link: Community Counseling Services Center (CCSC) | The Graduate School of Education and Human Development | The George Washington University (gwu.edu).

FYI, the counseling is a partnership between GWU and the DC Office of Cable TV, Film, Music & Entertainment - New Program Provides Mental Health Care for D.C. Artists | GW Today | The George Washington University (gwu.edu). Your tax dollars at work!

I'm currently getting counseling through the program, so feel free to reach out if you want my personal perspective.

Take good care,
Joy Jones

KenYatta Rogers

Oct 24, 2021, 7:20:44 PM10/24/21
to Joy Jones, Galvanize
Hello Beautiful, Powerful fam.

First, thank you, Joy! What a wonderful resource to share!

A great program. And this (or something like it) is so important while we care for our DMV/national community through the art we create and curate. Each artistic endeavor is absolutely an act of love and care. Own it and be proud, but also, what do we need to refresh, renew, and heal when we provide such soulwork for our communities? 

Programs like this one. 

Overwhelm the providers of these services with responses and scheduling so that they hear and recognize their (GWU and DC Office of Cable TV, Film, Music & Entertainment) responsibility and importance in the cycle of community-centric creation/sharing/renewal.

I have not participated (yet)m but raves from a trusted Galvanize creative that has taken part in the Care for Creatives Counseling who has.

Take advantage if you can. And if not this resource, find one that suits you. Put your best foot forward....

Thank you Galvanize fam for what you do for us. I am renewed every time you create. 

The DMV needs you as well. 

Heal/Preserve/Renew/Grow so you can continue giving and creating.

Peace, love, and soul.

Director. Actor. Educator.

"Any form of art is a power; it has impact, it can effect change - it can not only move us, it can make us move."
     ~ Ossie Davis

gal`va`nize: to stimulate people into sudden activity; to provide a network for DC metropolitan theatre artists, specifically those of the African diaspora, in order to connect, support and encourage each other because "we are all far too beautiful to be so seen so little".

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Deidra Starnes

Oct 26, 2021, 12:26:02 PM10/26/21
to KenYatta Rogers, Joy Jones, Galvanize
Thank you, Joy for your transparency.

Thank you, KenYatta for your truth and love.

I cosign on both sides.  Not much more to add.  We MUST take care, break through, and live with TRUTH and LOVE.  It is imperative we find it in ourselves so that we can share it with each other.  

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