Talk Proposal: Functor/Applicative/Monad in Rust

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Clinton Mead

Jan 7, 2020, 12:23:55 AM1/7/20
to fp-syd
I've recently released a proof of concept Rust Library which caused a bit of controversy, for example from Stephen Diehl (@smdiehl) on Twitter

A rough outline of what I'd like to cover is in the library README, although the README is written for a Rust audience, so I'd probably add a brief into to Rust to the FP-Syd audience and more quickly skip over actually what Functor/Applicative/Monad are. 

From my limited experience with Rust, I don't think it's as horrific as some on Twitter think, but my library, and indeed the language could use some features to make what I've developing here more pleasing to the eye. But it's still an evolving language so hopefully that will come. 

Regarding timing I don't really mind. I could do a talk sooner rather than later and present what I've got, or do something a bit later in the year and perhaps present some more concrete use cases. The approach of doing it sooner that there will be less to digest in one go. However if I do a talk a bit later in the year when the library is (hopefully) more fully developed I will be able to present more concrete use cases, but then it might be a lot for one talk. Either way has it's pros and cons, so I'm happy to fit in with wherever there's a gap and what other people are interested in. 

Tim McGilchrist

Jan 7, 2020, 5:37:24 PM1/7/20
Haha I saw this roll by on Twitter. 

Sounds like a fine talk concept. 

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