Unintentional AdditionTask launches

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Marcel Hülsberg

e palexuar
26 pri 2019, 7:41:09 e paradites26.4.19
për fireworkflows

I have a quiet annoying problem with a couple of lpad-commands after I ran most of the fw_tutorials (I don't know exactly after which it started happening).

So in some of the tutorials you are submitting a test fireworks with AdditionTask and now after quite a lot of lpad-commands these lines appear in the terminal output:

2019-04-26 12:51:28,114 INFO Performing db tune-up
2019-04-26 12:51:28,145 INFO LaunchPad was RESET.
2019-04-26 12:51:28,146 INFO Added a workflow. id_map: {-1: 1}
2019-04-26 12:51:28,146 INFO Launching Rocket
2019-04-26 12:51:28,352 INFO RUNNING fw_id: 1 in directory: /home/huelsberg/local/hilde/examples/phono3py/fireworks
2019-04-26 12:51:28,356 INFO Task started: Addition Task.
The sum of [1, 2] is: 3
2019-04-26 12:51:28,356 INFO Task completed: Addition Task
2019-04-26 12:51:28,363 INFO Rocket finished

It also writes a FW.json file in the current launch directory, which I attached. However, the workflow does NOT appear in the database, so I cannot find it via lpad get_fws/get_wflows or in the webgui. The id_map is always {-1: 1}, the run_directory changes dynamically though.

Here is a list of commands where this problem appears (not complete):
lpad get_fws (+ options)
lpad add bla.yaml
rlaunch singleshot (-f <fw_id>)
lpad rerun_fws (-i <fw_id>)

With these commands, it does not appear (also not complete):
lpad get_wflows
lpad detect_lostruns
lpad delete_wflows (-i <fw_id>)
<any command> -h

I already tried reinstalling, but not recloning the repository. I don't have this problem on another machine (using the same database), so it should be a problem on my local machine.

Any help is appreciated.

Anubhav Jain

e palexuar
10 maj 2019, 1:29:07 e pasdites10.5.19
për fireworkflows
Hi Marcel

I am not sure I understand the problem. It seems like the job is running OK, so the job is definitely in the database. From what I understand, you are just not able to see the job in the database using lpad get_fws/get_wflows or in the webgui.

The first thing I would check is the path to your database connection file (my_launchpad.yaml). You can do this by using the -l option:

lpad -l path/to/my_launchpad.yaml get_fws

As long as your my_launchpad.yaml contains the correct credentials, this should work. Note that the "-l" option is available for pretty much all commands, including webgui and get_wflows.

If it works when explicitly giving a launchpad file, check that you have set up your configuration to point to the right my_launchpad.yaml:
Mesazhi është fshirë

Marcel Hülsberg

e palexuar
17 maj 2019, 8:58:29 e paradites17.5.19
për fireworkflows
Hi Anubhav,

I don't think you understand what my problem is. I'm NOT concerned that the AdditionTask is not showing up in the database, since I didn't add this task to the launchpad anyway.

Anyway, this problem also shows up, when I use the -l option as you described. So I think that the communication with the database is working correctly (since all other fireworks/workflows I started ran correctly and all functionality is fine). The only problem is that it spams my stdout with those lines I posted earlier. I can't really imagine though what causes this (like some kind of zombie process, uncleared cache, ...), because I haven't had a similar problem before with any code.


Anubhav Jain

e palexuar
17 maj 2019, 9:17:27 e paradites17.5.19
për Marcel Hülsberg, fireworkflows
If you want less things in stdout, there are several options for setting the log level, such as

* "-s" (silencer) option in rlaunch command, e.g. "rlaunch -s rapidfire <stuff>".
* setting the "strm_lvl" argument if running rlaunch() function from Python.  e.g. use "CRITICAL" to show only critical messages.
* setting "strm_lvl" and "logdir" argument in your LaunchPad (either in the YAML file, or as explicit arguments when initializing).

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