gui resolution

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Mendes Pinto De Figueiredo, Angelo

2019/08/17 8:51:352019/08/17
Hello Farseer’s-NMR community,

I would like to ask your help regarding the following issue:

I have on my Mac computer Anaconda with python3 and therefore all mandatory libraries (matplotlib, SciPy, pyqt .. etc ) however when I try to run Farseer-NMR via gui most of the options are barely seen making very hard to read or pick anything.

Any ideas?

Dr Angelo M Figueiredo, PhD, MRSC
Biomolecular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility Manager

Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology,
Division of Biosciences,
University College London,
G21/G25 Darwin Building, Gower Street,
London, WC1E 6BT

João Teixeira

2019/08/17 9:54:012019/08/17
Hello Angelo!

Nice to hear you are using Farseer-NMR. This  issue you report is a known issue. The current GUI does not displays well with retina screens.
We noticed that last year during our workshop series in different labs. Please install it under Linux or Windows, it should work properly.

Please notice that to run on windows the executable files will have .py extension, you should NOT run them with the "python" command, but simply run the bin/ file itself without any execution command before. As described in our wiki page:

The Farseer-NMR development is running currently only on my own without official financing on it. During this year I've been moving from Barcelona to Toronto where I started last month. So I could not
continue the development of the project during these past months. I really apologise to the whole community for this. Now my life is stabilizing and I will be able to restart the development of Farseer-NMR. One of the first things
to develop will be a refactored interface to overcome the found issues in this one. However currently, the program is running correctly with the features implemented.

Alternatively to using the GUI you can run Farseer-NMR command line, it's actually easy to prepare the spectra files and it also explains how to set up the configuration file. Are you using CCPNMR files? If not, I can help you to prepare a quick parser script to convert between formats because the current Farseer-NMR peaklist format parser cannot be used outside the GUI (this is something to change and improve in future versions).

To run command-line you can read the quick-reading documentation here:

Let me know how went your experience under Linux or Windows.

Sidechain analysis are also implemented, we implemented that with the examples from the group of Eurico C.

Look forward your feedback,

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João M.C. Teixeira, PhD
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