office 365 - detecting function wizard

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Aug 25, 2021, 2:42:09 PM8/25/21
to Excel-DNA
Hi - apologies in advance as this is not related to excel-dna directly. I have some code which detects when a xll function is being edited in function wizard in excel using the dreaded bosa_sdm_xl lookup. I recently started porting my addin (not excel-dna) to Office 365 and noticed that this is not working. when I debug the code the windows class names that passed are something like "OfficeGripperWnd" and "IME". anyone here know how I can use this to detect that the function is in the wizard ? Or is there a better way ?

Govert van Drimmelen

Aug 25, 2021, 3:07:37 PM8/25/21

Interesting – are you in on a Beta channel or similar for Office 365?

What is the exact Excel version you’re seeing this in?


My Current Channel Excel v 16.0.14228.20216 still works with bosa_sdm_xl.



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Aug 25, 2021, 5:44:15 PM8/25/21
to Excel-DNA
Hi not as far as I know. I am running (16.0.14228.20216) 64-bit


Aug 25, 2021, 5:45:34 PM8/25/21
to Excel-DNA
this is the code that i have used

static BOOL CALLBACK EnumProc(HWND hwnd, EnumStruct* enm)
// Check if the parent window is Excel.
// Note: Because of the change from MDI (Excel 2010)
// to SDI (Excel 2013), comment out this step in Excel 2013.
if ((DWORD)GetParent(hwnd) == enm->hwndXLMain)
const int CLASS_NAME_BUFFSIZE = 512;
//  Ensure that class_name is always null terminated for safety.
class_name[CLASS_NAME_BUFFSIZE] = 0;
GetClassNameW(hwnd, class_name, CLASS_NAME_BUFFSIZE);
//  Do a case-insensitve comparison for the Excel dialog window
//  class name with the Excel version number truncated.
if (_wcsnicmp(class_name, L"bosa_sdm_xl", 11) == 0)
enm->funcwiz = true;
return FALSE; // Tells Windows to stop iterating.
return TRUE; // Tells Windows to continue iterating.
static BOOL isCalledByFuncWizard()
XLOPER12 hwndMain;
if (Excel12(xlGetHwnd, &hwndMain, 0) != xlretSuccess)
return FALSE;
EnumStruct enm = { FALSE, hwndMain.val.w };
EnumWindows((WNDENUMPROC)EnumProc, (LPARAM)((EnumStruct*)&enm));
return enm.funcwiz;

Govert van Drimmelen

Aug 25, 2021, 5:52:27 PM8/25/21

This is the Excel-DNA code (in C#) that works fine for me with the same Excel version:


       // CONSIDER: Might this be better?

        // return !XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfGetTool, 4, "Standard", 1);

        // (I think not - apparently it doesn't work right under Excel 2013,

        //  but it can easily be called by the user in their helper)

        // We enumerate these by getting the (native) thread id, from any WindowHandle,

        // then enumerating non-child windows for this thread.

        public static bool IsInFunctionWizard()


            // TODO: Handle the Find and Replace dialog

            //       for international versions.

            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(256);

            bool inFunctionWizard = false;

            EnumThreadWindows(_mainNativeThreadId, delegate(IntPtr hWndEnum, IntPtr param)


                if (IsFunctionWizardWindow(hWndEnum, buffer))


                    inFunctionWizard = true;

                    return false; // Stop enumerating


                return true;      // Continue enumerating

            }, IntPtr.Zero);

            return inFunctionWizard;



        struct FuncWizChild {

            public int ScrollBar;

            public int EDTBX;



        static bool IsFunctionWizardWindow(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder buffer)


            buffer.Length = 0;

            // Check the window class

            if (GetClassNameW(hWnd, buffer, buffer.Capacity) == 0)

              return false;

            if (!buffer.ToString().StartsWith("bosa_sdm_XL"))

                return false;


            FuncWizChild child = new FuncWizChild { ScrollBar = 0, EDTBX = 0 };

            EnumChildWindows(hWnd, delegate (IntPtr hWndEnum, IntPtr param)


                buffer.Length = 0;

                if (GetClassNameW(hWndEnum, buffer, buffer.Capacity) == 0)

                    return false;


                string title = buffer.ToString();

                if (title.Equals("EDTBX"))


                else if (title.Equals("ScrollBar"))



                    return false;


                return true;

            }, IntPtr.Zero);


            if (child.ScrollBar == 1 && child.EDTBX == 5)

              return true;


            return false;


Aug 26, 2021, 8:55:25 AM8/26/21
to Excel-DNA
thank you - this is so bizarre. I can't figure it out at all. it's as if I am running very bizarre version of excel. I just can seem to get class name "bosa" etc.


Aug 26, 2021, 9:03:29 AM8/26/21
to Excel-DNA
finally figured it out - I should've read the comment in the code. Basically I removed the 
 //HWND parent = GetParent(hwnd); //if ((DWORD)parent == enm->hwndXLMain) //{

and its fine !!

thanks for your help !
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