credibleSet only producing one tree

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Mael Glon

Oct 5, 2020, 9:29:10 AM10/5/20
to ExaBayes

I have now used Exabayes on two anchored hybrid enrichment datasets. Each run ran for a few million generations and all ESS were >200, and I have no issues summarizing the runs with consense, postProcParam, and extraBips. I was hoping to use Densitree to look at the distribution of trees so I used the credibleSet command as follows:

credibleSet -f ExaBayes_topologies.* -n cred

After a few seconds, the following message was printed in the terminal:

printed the 50% credible set to ExaBayes_credibleSet.cred

However, when I looked at the resulting file, there is only one tree. Here is the full text from that file:

freq tree

12354 (678_Glon,669_Glon,((209_Glon,63_Glon),((((571_Glon,453_Glon),(594_Glon,(402_Glon,403_Glon))),((1_Glon,(488_Glon,484_Glon)),(529_Glon,(153_Glon,528_Glon)))),((231_Glon,(175_Glon,26_Glon)),(04_Crandall,(((664_Glon,193_Glon),((399_Glon,(601_Glon,(597_Glon,596_Glon))),((659_Glon,(423_Glon,422_Glon)),(164_Glon,(523_Glon,(610_Glon,611_Glon)))))),(((438_Glon,(506_Glon,502_Glon)),(166_Glon,(11_Glon,435_Glon))),((204_Glon,(169_Glon,521_Glon)),((345_Glon,(344_Glon,655_Glon)),((134_Glon,132_Glon),(31_Glon,(142_Glon,141_Glon))))))))))));

My understanding is that credibleSet should provide quite a few more trees (I'm using the 50% default setting). 

I would appreciate any insight into what I may be doing wrong and how to fix this.


Alexandros Stamatakis

Oct 6, 2020, 4:10:46 AM10/6/20
Hi Mael,

I'd guess that the * in "credibleSet -f ExaBayes_topologies.* -n cred"

might generate the problem.

What happens if you pass a file name without a wildcard to credibleSet ?


On 05.10.20 16:29, Mael Glon wrote:
> Hello,
> I have now used Exabayes on two anchored hybrid enrichment datasets.
> Each run ran for a few million generations and all ESS were >200, and I
> have no issues summarizing the runs with consense, postProcParam, and
> extraBips. I was hoping to use Densitree to look at the distribution of
> trees so I used the credibleSet command as follows:
> *credibleSet -f ExaBayes_topologies.* -n cred*
> After a few seconds, the following message was printed in the terminal:
> *printed the 50% credible set to ExaBayes_credibleSet.cred*
> However, when I looked at the resulting file, there is only one tree.
> Here is the full text from that file:
> *freqtree*
> *12354(678_Glon,669_Glon,((209_Glon,63_Glon),((((571_Glon,453_Glon),(594_Glon,(402_Glon,403_Glon))),((1_Glon,(488_Glon,484_Glon)),(529_Glon,(153_Glon,528_Glon)))),((231_Glon,(175_Glon,26_Glon)),(04_Crandall,(((664_Glon,193_Glon),((399_Glon,(601_Glon,(597_Glon,596_Glon))),((659_Glon,(423_Glon,422_Glon)),(164_Glon,(523_Glon,(610_Glon,611_Glon)))))),(((438_Glon,(506_Glon,502_Glon)),(166_Glon,(11_Glon,435_Glon))),((204_Glon,(169_Glon,521_Glon)),((345_Glon,(344_Glon,655_Glon)),((134_Glon,132_Glon),(31_Glon,(142_Glon,141_Glon))))))))))));*
> My understanding is that credibleSet should provide quite a few more
> trees (I'm using the 50% default setting).
> I would appreciate any insight into what I may be doing wrong and how to
> fix this.
> Thanks!
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Alexandros (Alexis) Stamatakis

Research Group Leader, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
Full Professor, Dept. of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Mael Glon

Oct 6, 2020, 8:43:18 AM10/6/20
to ExaBayes
Hi Alexis,

Thanks for your reply. I tried your suggestion but I still only got one tree in the credible set file.


Andre Aberer

Oct 6, 2020, 10:32:07 AM10/6/20
Hi Mael,

if this particular tree occurs more than half of the time in the
'topology file(s)' containing the sampled trees, then the 50% credible
set of trees consists of precisely this topology. If there is strong
signal in the data, this is not impossible. Did you have a look at the
sampled trees?

What about a higher percentage credible set? E.g., for 75%, use
parameter "-c 75". With -c 100 you should effectively get all
sampled topologies ranked by frequency of occurrence (I do not
accurately remember the output format though).

That being said, if you executed a single run only and the sampled trees
mostly have the same topology, then there is a chance that the chain has
gotten stuck and is not representative. With Bayesian MCMC it is
important to verify that multiple distinct runs yield the same result.

Best regards,

Mael Glon

Oct 6, 2020, 10:42:11 AM10/6/20
to ExaBayes
Hi Andre,

Thanks for the suggestion. As I increase the percentage of the credible set I do get more trees. I did start with parsimony trees rather than random trees, and I expect this dataset to have very strong signal because of my sampling depth and breadth, so perhaps this is normal.


Alexandros Stamatakis

Oct 7, 2020, 1:38:24 AM10/7/20
If you want to be absolutely sure, you can compute the pair-wise
distances among all trees in your tree set with the corresponding RAxML
or RAxML-NG option, this should also report you the number of unique
trees in the tree set.


PS: Andre, many thanks for all your help :-)
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Alexandros Stamatakis

Oct 7, 2020, 1:39:19 AM10/7/20
I mean to write: pair-wise RF (Robinson Foulds) topological distances
among all pairs of trees in your tree set,


On 06.10.20 17:42, Mael Glon wrote:
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Mael Glon

Oct 7, 2020, 8:40:22 AM10/7/20
to ExaBayes
Great, thank you both for your help!
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