Elm Data Structure Evaluator - Initial Ideas and Packages

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Michael Torres

Jul 17, 2017, 9:05:58 AM7/17/17
to elm-dev
Hi all,

I really like the data structure evaluation website idea listed in the Elm Projects repository. I am looking to work on this and collaborate with others if interested. 

I went through all of the Elm 0.18 packages and found over 50 data structure packages. I listed them out along with some initial overall ideas in this short proposal

I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or feedback before the coding starts. 




Jul 17, 2017, 9:14:13 AM7/17/17
to elm...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mike, this is great!

Your outline structure suggests a flow chart for picking data structures. Is this the intent? It seems like a good idea, as it would help people pick the right structure before worrying about speed.

As to the libraries: this might require some coordination with the authors. For example, my elm-avl-exploration repo was obsoleted by Ilias', despite providing exactly the same API. Like the repo suggests, curation here is required.

Lastly, I'd love to help you create good benchmarks for this. We can modify elm-benchmark to support this if need be. I *think* it should expose everything you need to make a custom runner already, but I could be wrong. Feel free to email me privately about this with any questions. (or #elm-benchmark in Slack)

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Michael Torres

Jul 17, 2017, 8:26:10 PM7/17/17
to elm-dev
Thanks Brian!

My first thought was having some options the user could select, and filter data structures based on that. But a flow chart is a great idea to explore! 
Overall I want something to help guide the user to look at the right data structures. 

I agree that curation is needed. I'm thinking about starting with github issues to request adding/removing packages, while explore better ways.

I'm excited to make heavy use of elm-benchmark for this. I can give you an update on that once I make some progress there :)

Thanks again,


Derek N

Aug 8, 2017, 1:40:50 PM8/8/17
to elm-dev
Hi Mike,

I've read your proposal and I like what you proposed. Personally I think a flow chart makes a very small cosmetic difference, but still it's an interesting idea to explore.

I'm interested to collaborate on this. Let's talk.


Michael Torres

Aug 8, 2017, 7:43:52 PM8/8/17
to elm-dev
Hi Derek, 

Thanks for looking at the proposal!

I'd love to have people collaborate. Just reach out to me on elm-slack (torresmi) or email me directly to discuss more.


Rupert Smith

Aug 15, 2017, 12:30:49 AM8/15/17
to elm-dev
On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 2:05:58 PM UTC+1, Michael Torres wrote:
I went through all of the Elm 0.18 packages and found over 50 data structure packages. I listed them out along with some initial overall ideas in this short proposal

Hi, You missed this heap implementation: 

Good work though; a useful list to have.

Michael Torres

Aug 20, 2017, 5:55:58 PM8/20/17
to elm-dev
Thanks Rupert! I updated the doc to include that package.
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