My letter in today's Globe

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Frank de Jong

읽지 않음,
2020. 10. 14. 오전 8:03:5520. 10. 14.
받는사람 Earthsharing Canada Google Group
Re Is There A Problem Spending Can’t Solve? Yes – Canada’s Unsustainable Deficit 

(Opinion, Oct. 10): As COVID-19 continues to ravage the country, raising income, business or sales taxes would only further pummel the already-damaged economy. Rather, government should consider Milton Friedman’s suggestion that the least damaging tax is one applied to the unimproved value of land.

A land-value tax would capture the unearned wealth that accrues to land – wealth that should belong to all and be best used to finance government programs.

Frank de Jong Director, Henry George Foundation of Canada; Huntsville, Ont.

brendan hennigan

읽지 않음,
2020. 10. 14. 오전 10:13:4320. 10. 14.
받는사람 Earthsharing Canada Google Group
Good for you for getting a "to the point" letter in the Globe and mentioning the HGFC.  
Any related articles on which taxes are best for a sustainable economic recovery ought to be posted on our eathsharing website.

From: <> on behalf of Frank de Jong <>
Sent: October 14, 2020 8:03 AM
To: Earthsharing Canada Google Group <>
Subject: My letter in today's Globe
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읽지 않음,
2020. 10. 16. 오전 11:15:4920. 10. 16.
Excellent. I posted a comment on the letters page  - Frank de Jong pinpointed an enormous oversite in Economics. Adam Smith made this point in 1776.

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“I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better.  (Abraham Lincoln)


읽지 않음,
2020. 10. 20. 오후 3:20:5420. 10. 20.
I noticed that it only took a day before someone replied with the spectre of Communism to your letter. Black and white thinking that permeates our discourse, and has increasingly permeated all public discourse of a wide range of topics, since the 1970s.


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