Hi all,
I am having trouble getting a stimulus delivery/response signal to show up on Biopac for the second part of our n-back experiment. The first task, zero back, asks the subject to press a certain key when a neutral face is presented (non-target) and another key when a scared face is presented (target). The inline script is as follows and works perfectly in connection with Biopac:
Const OutPort As Integer = &hD800
'Const BioPacTrigger As Integer = &h01
WritePort OutPort, 0
TaskStimZERO.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
TaskStimZERO.OnsetSignalPort = OutPort
TaskStimZERO.OnsetSignalData = c.GetAttrib("BioStim")
TaskStimZERO.OffsetSignalEnabled = True
TaskStimZERO.OffsetSignalPort = OutPort
TaskStimZERO.OffsetSignalData = 0
Next, the one back section asks the subject to only press the target assigned key after two scared faces have been presented in a row. This is where Biopac is not collecting a signal. The inline script is as follows:
Const OutPort As Integer = &hD800
'Const BioPacTrigger As Integer = &h01
WritePort OutPort, 0
TaskStimONE.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
TaskStimONE.OnsetSignalPort = OutPort
TaskStimONE.OnsetSignalData = c.GetAttrib("BioStim")
TaskStimONE.OffsetSignalEnabled = True
TaskStimONE.OffsetSignalPort = OutPort
TaskStimONE.OffsetSignalData = 0
I have tried numerous ways to get this to work but have failed. If anyone has any advice, please let me know. Your help would be GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks in advance,