Problem with DokanOptions.MountManager and mount points

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Hans Olav Norheim

Jun 4, 2021, 4:41:31 AM6/4/21
to Dokan

I recently discovered that using DokanOptions.MountManager combined with a mount point has stopped working on my Windows 10 2021H1 machine. Using a drive letter works fine. Mount point without MountManager also works fine. I'm using the latest version of Dokan.

I have not been able to repro it on the same Windows version in a VM, which leads me to believe there is something with my system. Using procmon, I found that that dokan.sys's SET_REPARSE_POINT IRP is rejected with STATUS_FLT_INVALID_NAME_REQUEST. One difference is the working machine does not have Windows Defender.

DokanNetMirror.exe 19884 IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL D:\foobar2 0xC01C0005 Control: FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT

Below is the stack from procmon. Has anybody seen this before, have any ideas what it might be or how to debug it?

0 FLTMGR.SYS FltpPerformPreCallbacksWorker + 0x36c
1 FLTMGR.SYS FltpPassThroughInternal + 0xc7
2 FLTMGR.SYS FltpPassThrough + 0x1d6
3 FLTMGR.SYS FltpFsControl + 0xbf
4 ntoskrnl.exe IofCallDriver + 0x55
5 ntoskrnl.exe IopSynchronousServiceTail + 0x1a8
6 ntoskrnl.exe IopXxxControlFile + 0x5e5
7 ntoskrnl.exe NtFsControlFile + 0x56
8 ntoskrnl.exe KiSystemServiceCopyEnd + 0x25
9 ntoskrnl.exe KiServiceLinkage
10 dokan1.sys SendDirectoryFsctl + 0x226, C:\Project\dokany\sys\fscontrol.c(611)
11 dokan1.sys DokanEventStart + 0xf06, C:\Project\dokany\sys\event.c(904)
12 dokan1.sys DokanGlobalUserFsRequest + 0x123, C:\Project\dokany\sys\fscontrol.c(419)
13 dokan1.sys DokanUserFsRequest + 0xd7, C:\Project\dokany\sys\fscontrol.c(491)
14 dokan1.sys DokanDispatchFileSystemControl + 0xe4, C:\Project\dokany\sys\fscontrol.c(838)
15 dokan1.sys DokanDispatchRequest + 0x4a4, C:\Project\dokany\sys\dispatch.c(203)
16 dokan1.sys DokanBuildRequest + 0x4e, C:\Project\dokany\sys\dispatch.c(35)
17 ntoskrnl.exe IofCallDriver + 0x55
18 ntoskrnl.exe IopSynchronousServiceTail + 0x1a8
19 ntoskrnl.exe IopXxxControlFile + 0x5e5
20 ntoskrnl.exe NtFsControlFile + 0x56
21 ntoskrnl.exe KiSystemServiceCopyEnd + 0x25
22 ntdll.dll NtFsControlFile + 0x14
23 KernelBase.dll DeviceIoControl + 0x164
24 kernel32.dll DeviceIoControlImplementation + 0x81
25 dokan1.dll DokanStart + 0x30f, C:\Project\dokany\dokan\dokan.c(798)
26 dokan1.dll DokanMain + 0x321, C:\Project\dokany\dokan\dokan.c(274)


Adrien JUND

Jun 4, 2021, 10:48:03 AM6/4/21
Hi Hans,

I have been doing some test on Windows 21h1 clean environment that comes with windows defender and wasn't able to reproduce the issue.

Normally for such type of mount failures you should have logs in the event viewer that might be helpful to know if what procmon return is exactly what we face.

Do you believe there is another information that would help me to reproduce the issue ?

Does the folder target is on a native NTFS volume ?

Best regards,

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