Django-Associations v0.1.7 Released.

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Pronoy Chopra

Mar 9, 2014, 5:22:35 PM3/9/14

I have finally launched Django-Associations 0.1.7 today after a month of work. For those of you who don't know what it is, here's a short summary of how DA can help you in your development process.

When working on a View, the common method of debugging or back tracing an issue is usually this:
  1. Look at the URL in the browser's address bar
  2. Decipher the app name from the URL
  3. Open the app project tree in your IDE (if not already open)
  4. Open the app's and locate the URL
  5. Look for the corresponding view
  6. Locate the view
  7. Locate the template name and subsequently the template itself.

Associations on the other hand lists all of them on a single page, thereby decreasing the some times frustrating trace back. (Read more)

Now, this is very similar to what Django-Debug-Toolbar does, except DDT is more complex. If you don't want to delve too deep into debugging this simple app helps. For the next release there will be a third party panel for DDT. So, you can use Associations with DDT as well, if that's what you prefer.

Another plan for the next release is to have a floating standalone widget like DDT so that you can see the associations without having to access the app. That will save more time. There will also be a search bar where you can copy paste the URL that you want to search the associations for.

Hope you find this little app helpful.

Development link:

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PyPI page:


Mar 11, 2014, 8:40:56 AM3/11/14
The docs say:

It may or may not work with traditional Function Based Views

Almost all views I write are function based. Its the same in most of the code I have seen from other people. You say "maybe" so I will try it when I get a chance...

I would also really like to see it as a panel for DDT.
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