Sending email from contact form to all superuser.

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Ngazetungue Muheue

Jul 14, 2020, 5:39:20 PM7/14/20
to Django users
Hi everyone , please help me on how to send email to all superuser of my system from the contact form on my template.

Example: I have Contact form and i want the message send by users through the form to be save into django model (admin)  and at the same time the same message should go to the email the superuser registered with or belong to the superuser. 

If i am not clear let me know..

Thank you.

Exactly musty

Jul 14, 2020, 6:30:10 PM7/14/20
to Django users
You will use django send_mail in your views,just go to the django doc,and search for send_mail
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