We are using an oracle database setup, we have a development database and a production database, the production database is for billing.
The databases have the sane TNS resolver name of DB1. To test that it was using the correct file I removed the database information
from it and it is using the file that I thought it was. However when I log into the development database and run the query im using with
django it will return what im seeing on my django page although my django settings file is pointed to my other database and I even have to use the login associated
with the production database, the weird part is that the data returned is still the development database. I'm running in debug mode, runserver. However the production database
right now has no write privileges only read privileges so that should not be affecting the query. I even output the exact query that im using to the webpage and run seperately in each database
it returns the correct data when im manually logged into the production database. The app was first synced on the development database.
select customer_name, substr(decode(vcd_managed,'Y',vm_name,'N',vm_group_name || ' ' || vm_display_name),1,100) vm_name, cpu_ghz_hours,ram_gb_hours, guest_os from customers a, vm_groups b, vms c, vm_compute_usage_histories d, vm_compute_histories e, guest_os f where a.customer_id = b.customer_id and b.vm_group_id = c.vm_group_id and c.vm_id = d.vm_id and trunc(d.datetime) = to_date('01-Jun-2014', 'DD-MON-YY') and a.customer_id != 24 and inactive = 'N' and cpu_ghz_hours > 0 and e.datetime = (select max(datetime) from vm_compute_histories g where c.vm_id = g.vm_id) and e.vm_id = c.vm_id and e.guest_os_id = f.guest_os_id order by 1,2
there is the query that im running.
when i sync the db it syncs just fine. I'm not sure how this is even possible.