Looking for ways to improve my skills

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Devrhoid Davis

Apr 2, 2016, 6:37:22 PM4/2/16
to Django users
Hi All, 

I have been working with Python for just over 3 years now and have recently taken up django. I have completed both the polls app and have created an address book app by following a tutorial on youtube. I am looking fro ways to improve my competence with django and possibly some end to end website projects. Can anyone provide me with some links as to where I could find resources for improving my skills and then avenues for using these skills to generate income?

Thanks in advance. 



Apr 2, 2016, 8:03:57 PM4/2/16
to django...@googlegroups.com
2016-04-02 19:29 GMT-03:00 Devrhoid Davis <devrhoi...@gmail.com>:
> Can anyone provide me with some links as to where I could find
> resources for improving my skills and then avenues for using these skills to
> generate income?

In my experience, just start coding. Skills come with time, errors,
and learning from errors of course. Code your own website, your
friends' website. Some site for a small business. Learn from that and
then grow! :-)


Mario R. Osorio

Apr 3, 2016, 8:49:08 PM4/3/16
to Django users
Hi Devrhoid,

I'm not an expert myself but, as with anything else; it is nothing but your own needs that will improve your knowledge. I can recommend what I think is the very best Django tutorial EVER, bar none (http://www.marinamele.com/taskbuster-django-tutorial) It does, however introduce you to a couple of intermediate to advanced programming techniques/paradigms, one of the being Test Driven Development (TDD). In all, that tutorial will teach you a few nice tricks. Get ready for some (very few) errors in the text as the author (+Marina Mele) is, like me, not English speaker. She is an EXCELLENT professional though and definitely knows how to get the best out of Django.

Good luck!

Chris Seberino

Apr 5, 2016, 11:25:27 PM4/5/16
to Django users

On Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 5:37:22 PM UTC-5, Devrhoid Davis wrote:
Hi All, 

I have been working with Python for just over 3 years now and have recently taken up django. I have completed both the polls app and have created an address book app by following a tutorial on youtube. I am looking fro ways to improve my competence with django and possibly some end to end website projects. Can anyone provide me with some links as to where I could find resources for improving my skills and then avenues for using these skills to generate income?

Try to "scratch your own itch".  In other words, do you have any websites you wish you owned?  Are there any friends or family that might benefit from a web app?
Those kinds of projects will keep you motivated because they have value to someone unlike that polls app.  Do a few of those and make lots of mistakes
and you'll grow in no time!

Freenode's IRC channels are great to chat with great programmers as well.


Devrhoid Davis

Apr 6, 2016, 10:56:18 AM4/6/16
to django...@googlegroups.com
Thank you guys. I really appreciate it. I have started on my own website. I'll be sure to share with the community as soon as it reaches  a stage I am comfortable with. 

Devrhoid O. Davis,
BSc. Medical Physics /w Electronics,
Research Assistant,
Department of Physics,
University of the West Indies Mona,
Kingston 7,

"For in all things, excellence is becoming of he who perseveres"

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Devrhoid Davis

Apr 6, 2016, 10:57:45 AM4/6/16
to django...@googlegroups.com
Thank you Mario. Appreciate the information. 

Devrhoid O. Davis,
BSc. Medical Physics /w Electronics,
Research Assistant,
Department of Physics,
University of the West Indies Mona,
Kingston 7,

"For in all things, excellence is becoming of he who perseveres"

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Devrhoid Davis

Apr 6, 2016, 10:58:55 AM4/6/16
to django...@googlegroups.com
Thanks Chris

Devrhoid O. Davis,
BSc. Medical Physics /w Electronics,
Research Assistant,
Department of Physics,
University of the West Indies Mona,
Kingston 7,

"For in all things, excellence is becoming of he who perseveres"

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Asif Saifuddin

Apr 6, 2016, 12:15:04 PM4/6/16
to Django users
I have been working with django for 3years. 1 thing I wanna add with others, that is I tried django based popular cms project like mezzanine, django-cms, wagtail etc. and other popular django packages docs and source code. This helped me a lot to understand different parts of django's use cases.



Devrhoid Davis

Apr 7, 2016, 1:32:18 PM4/7/16
to django...@googlegroups.com
Thank you Asif. 

Do you have any resources, books etc with these projects?

Devrhoid O. Davis,
BSc. Medical Physics /w Electronics,
Research Assistant,
Department of Physics,
University of the West Indies Mona,
Kingston 7,

"For in all things, excellence is becoming of he who perseveres"

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Apr 11, 2016, 11:06:16 PM4/11/16
to Django users

I would go to Djangopackages.com 
there you will be able to see many packages that are built and get some ideas and get some ideas on others code 
good place to get ideas for sure.

On Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 5:37:22 PM UTC-5, Devrhoid Davis wrote:

Rafał Szymański

Apr 13, 2016, 8:21:09 AM4/13/16
to Django users

Devrhoid Davis

Apr 13, 2016, 4:51:09 PM4/13/16
to django...@googlegroups.com
Thank you very much.


Devrhoid O. Davis,
BSc. Medical Physics /w Electronics,
Research Assistant,
Department of Physics,
University of the West Indies Mona,
Kingston 7,

"For in all things, excellence is becoming of he who perseveres"

On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 8:21 AM, Rafał Szymański <r.szy...@gmail.com> wrote:

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