Getting Django Channels working with NewRelic

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Tim Nelson

Nov 17, 2023, 3:54:52 PM11/17/23
I am trying to get NewRelic monitoring my ASGI code written in Django Channels.

Most notably, this line of code from their examples should create a NewRelic transaction and start monitoring all async activity.
   channel_layer = newrelic.agent.ASGIApplicationWrapper(get_default_application())
Has anyone got this working?

Lutaaya Jamil

Nov 17, 2023, 5:40:38 PM11/17/23
to Django users
I have never used that, hearing for the first time though.
Is doing the same as celery?
I am interested in making it work with you, we might dive into it together, you never know...Adding a new skill is worth it


Nov 17, 2023, 6:57:37 PM11/17/23
to Django users
We use dramatiq not celery, instrumenting dramatiq was easy. Channels is a different beast, clearly a pattern NewRelic doesn't recognize out of the box.

Lutaaya Jamil

Nov 17, 2023, 8:21:54 PM11/17/23
to Django users
I suggest this, how bout you tell me something simple I can try doing tonight, in that If I manage to do it and show to you how I did it, I would have helped.

For example if it is fibonacci,  and you want to know how it works you can ask me to show research and show how to reach the result of fibonacci 6 in that you can follow that working to get the answer to fibonacci n.

It may sound crazy to you, but you never know, try us and any other who might read what you exactly want to do.
Someone out there might help.
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