On Thu, Jun 01, 2017 at 02:29:17AM -0700, Roshan Raghupathy wrote:
> Hi,
> I came across an issue yesterday. Post on stackoverflow
> <
> On further investigation today, I think I found the source of the issue.
> It's this line
> <
> The parameters which are escaped here are never reverted back to the
> original form.
> I tested a dirty fix by converting all '%%s' to '%s' and the query worked.
> Should I submit a bug? Has it been submitted already?
Hi Roshan,
I just took a quick look, and it seems you are right – in all of the
official backend implementations, the *_trunc_sql only use the second
argument in the right-hand side of string formatting, so this
double-percent escaping appears to be wrong there.
I did a quick search through the issue tracker, and didn't find
anything about this issue, would you mind submitting a new bug report?
It would be best if you could include a complete minimal example that
we could easily run to reproduce the problem.