OSMGeoAdmin can only edit polygons, cannot create new ones

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eric conner

Jan 6, 2017, 7:50:50 PM1/6/17
to Django users

Hello Django Users!

I am trying to use OSMGeoAdmin to create an editable PolygonField backed by MySQL.

This works great for existing polygons, but it does not seem to be possible to create new polygons using the admin.

Here's a gif of me successfully modifying an existing Polygon:
as you can see I select the first tool and am able to choose and modify points on the polygon.

Now, if I try to create a new Polygon,
when I select the first tool I cannot add points to the map.  When I select the second tool I am able to create a blue selection, but this blue selection does not appear to be a polygon, just some kind of selection interface (it does not save after clicking save).

Am I using the admin correctly?  I've searched far and wide for docs on how to make this work, but have not come up with anything.

Thanks for any help!

Eric Conner

Jan 6, 2017, 8:12:31 PM1/6/17
to django...@googlegroups.com
Ah, well I feel dumb.  I figured out how to do it.  In the second example, it is correct to use the blue drawing tool.  You just have to hold 'Shift' when clicking the last point to actually get the polygon to snap onto the page.

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