One template for multiple views

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Nov 2, 2016, 6:47:54 PM11/2/16
to Django users

i'm creating template for simple table report. Data shown are for current month. Than i realised i need same report for previous month. I can copy created template and modify texts, but i don't like. Is it possible to use same template for more views and only controll differences based on view, which is template calling? For example, i need to show "Current month" or "Previous month". I can put these texts into variable, but i hope there is better way to controll directly in template.

Please, can you help me or point me to some good article? Thanks!

Lekan Wahab

Nov 2, 2016, 7:28:22 PM11/2/16

I'm not sure I completely understand what you need but if I do,  I think passing different contexts to the same template would help you achieve that.

You could easily have something like :

def initial_view(request) :
       variableone = 'a'
       variabletwo = 'b'
       return response(yourtemplate, {'a':variableone, 'b' :variabletwo})

Then you can also have another view using the same template but with different contexts.
Something like,

def final_view(request) :
       variableone = 'c'
       variabletwo = 'd'
       return response(yourtemplate, {'c':variableone, 'd' :variabletwo})

Also,  if you have a repetitive section in your template, you could just write it once and use the {% include %} tag to use it in each of your other templates.

I hope that helps.

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Nov 7, 2016, 7:25:19 PM11/7/16
to Django users
Yes, i know i can pass data (variables) from view to template. But my question is, if i have report, for example with headline "This month" and same report for previous with headline "Previous month", if i can such things solve directly in template, based on view which is calling template. I don't like the way to put texts into template just to be specific for view.

But thanks for answer, it's django-way and i have to respect it :/

Dne středa 2. listopadu 2016 20:28:22 UTC+1 Lekan Wahab napsal(a):

I'm not sure I completely understand what you need but if I do,  I think passing different contexts to the same template would help you achieve that.

You could easily have something like :

def initial_view(request) :
       variableone = 'a'
       variabletwo = 'b'
       return response(yourtemplate, {'a':variableone, 'b' :variabletwo})

Then you can also have another view using the same template but with different contexts.
Something like,

def final_view(request) :
       variableone = 'c'
       variabletwo = 'd'
       return response(yourtemplate, {'c':variableone, 'd' :variabletwo})

Also,  if you have a repetitive section in your template, you could just write it once and use the {% include %} tag to use it in each of your other templates.

I hope that helps.

Python is the "most powerful language you can still read".

On 2 Nov 2016 19:48, "Moreplavec" <> wrote:

i'm creating template for simple table report. Data shown are for current month. Than i realised i need same report for previous month. I can copy created template and modify texts, but i don't like. Is it possible to use same template for more views and only controll differences based on view, which is template calling? For example, i need to show "Current month" or "Previous month". I can put these texts into variable, but i hope there is better way to controll directly in template.

Please, can you help me or point me to some good article? Thanks!

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Matthew Pava

Nov 7, 2016, 7:37:57 PM11/7/16

I would use an if block in the template, and actually, I do use an if block.

So I would have either two context variables with this_month and last_month or I would look up some filter or template tag to find the month of the current datetime object in the Django documentation.



{% if month = this_month %}Current{% elif month = last_month %}Previous{% else %}{{ month }}{% endif %} Report


ludovic coues

Nov 7, 2016, 7:38:20 PM11/7/16
You can also have a base template, with a block for the title then
extends that base template with the extends tags.
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