1.7.9 deployment stubbornly won't create a test database

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Adam Hirsch

Aug 30, 2016, 12:07:38 AM8/30/16
to Django users
I've been handed a fairly large and built-up django 1.7.9 installation with several dozen pre-existing in-house modules and a lot of history. 

For some reason, any attempt to  manage.py test  any of the existing modules runs tests against the live database specified in DATABASES['default'] rather than attempting to create a new test database.  I've written a couple of simple unit tests for a given module, generated a small fixture of data to apply to a blank schema for testing ... but I can't for the life of me find why this installation isn't creating a test_db. No errors, no failures ... just tests run against the production db.

Anyone have a pointer to what might be going on, or concepts to look up? A simple Hello World install using the same django version on the same machine works exactly as the docs suggest it should: I see 

Creating test database for alias 'default' (':memory:')...
Destroying test database for alias 'default' (':memory:')...

... but there are no such lines in my real installation.  I'm baffled.



M Hashmi

Aug 30, 2016, 11:52:33 PM8/30/16
to django...@googlegroups.com
Try this:

python manage.py test --keepdb

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Andromeda Yelton

Aug 30, 2016, 11:59:30 PM8/30/16
to django...@googlegroups.com
What are do the relevant parts of your settings file say? In particular, https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/topics/testing/overview/#the-test-database says "If you want to use a different database name, specify NAME in the TEST dictionary for any given database in DATABASES." - I would check there to see if someone has overridden the default. There's also a little section in the docs labeled "Finding data from your production database when running tests?" that might be relevant to you.

(--keepdb is a great flag but sadly irrelevant as it was not introduced until 1.8.)

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Andromeda Yelton
Vice President/President-Elect, Library & Information Technology Association: http://www.lita.org

M Hashmi

Aug 31, 2016, 12:04:01 AM8/31/16
to django...@googlegroups.com
My bad...missed the version in original question. 

You are right.

Adam Hirsch

Aug 31, 2016, 3:15:25 AM8/31/16
to Django users
And the answer turned out to be... we were/are using a multidb setup, which silently prevents the test suite from creating a test db. Setting DATABASE_ROUTERS = [] re-enabled the test db creation. Sigh. It's always the little things.
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