django webframework

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arun kumar

Jul 3, 2017, 9:19:24 AM7/3/17
to Django users

My name is arun and i am a junior software engineer.i am very new with python and i want to develop a web project so first i have selected python script but after doing some online research i found routing is very difficult in python if you are a new programmer in pyhton

so i finally decided to do this project with django because it supports i need your valuable suggestion if  i am new with pyhton is it ok to go for django framework because i think documentation for django is very good and it has less code and it supports many databases also.

so please help me currently i am using windows so i want to ask which is better linux or windows and apache tomcat is also required for this web application project so basically i need a overview for django how to use whether to use.

Vijay Khemlani

Jul 3, 2017, 9:46:58 AM7/3/17
You can use Django even if you are new to Python, but it will be more difficult (basically learning 2 things at the same time).

You can run a django application over tomcat using Jython and django-jython, but I've never done so myself

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Vinicius Assef

Jul 3, 2017, 10:34:55 AM7/3/17
Hi Arun.

Certainly you can learn Python and Django at the same time. But if you're really new to Python, I'd suggest you to follow the official Python tutorial [1] beforehand. You should understand basic Python datatypes, how OO works in Python and something about modules and packages.

You're right, Django docs are awesome. I personally use Linux to develop and run Django. You can run Django in a JVM with some incompatibilities. Read the documentation Vijay sent you.
Vinicius Assef

Avraham Serour

Jul 4, 2017, 3:20:11 AM7/4/17
to django-users
I recommend against trying to make python run inside the JVM, specially if you are not familiar with python. Just use the normal python 3.6 and be happy

Vivek Shrivastava

Jul 4, 2017, 11:18:35 AM7/4/17
Well, I would caution against jumping right in Django without having any experience in web developement or in Python. I would rather you learn fundamentals of web development and then pick a simple framework like web2py with low learning curve. 

You might find Django convenient once you experience web development implementation and maintenance nightmares.  

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 1:48 AM, arun kumar <> wrote:

Mark Phillips

Jul 4, 2017, 11:33:52 AM7/4/17
to django users
Hi Arun!

If tomcat is required for this project, then are you supposed to code the project in java? If so, then python and django are not what you need. Maybe Ruby, or Wicket is better suited for your project.


Anish Chapagain

Jul 5, 2017, 10:00:37 PM7/5/17
to Django users

You can start learning about Django from  do follow it's individual sections step-by-step. It will guide you from Installing to deploying Web Application, look thru the Tutorials section and have some play around. 

Some prior knowledge of Python programming will be required, if you are completely new to Python pick-up some basic python learning find your choice from or jump straight to 

Have a go through to any of  these sites once! if it helps you, they all have the contents from Starting Setup to Deploy.

Anish Chapagain
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