What is *the* django 1.7 IDE which is opensource & multiplattform

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Sep 24, 2014, 9:37:14 AM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com

actually I use Aptana Studio 3.4.1 (http://www.aptana.com/)
to develop Django apps (on Windows and Linux).

What I (personally) need from an ide:
1. ability to debug (python code)
2. support for django templates
3. support for django (start a new project, adding a django app)
4. support for refactoring (like rename and so on)
5. support for mercurial
6. multi plattform (at least windows/linux)

Starting with *django 1.7*, aptana marks some line
as errors which are not errors (undefined variables from import ..)

Now I have the following problem:

- I tried the actual aptana 3.6.0, but it is buggy and does not work
(no idea if and when it will be fixed, the development
speed is actually slow)

- if I use eclipse + actual pydev 3.7.1 I have
no support for *django templates*

- all other ides like PyCharm are commercial (the free pycharm does
not support django and django templates, only python)

Now the question: does somebody know a solution?



Jorge Andrés Vergara Ebratt

Sep 24, 2014, 9:39:21 AM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
I actually use a text editor, I love Sublime Text 2 with the Djaneiro Plugin.

As far as IDEs go, I used to work with NINJA IDE, it's a Python IDE and it's pretty cool.


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Jorge Andres Vergara Ebratt
#SoftwareDeveloper (Or at least trying to be)


Sep 24, 2014, 9:47:47 AM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
Jorge Andrés Vergara Ebratt wrote:

> I actually use a text editor, I love Sublime Text 2 with the Djaneiro
> Plugin.
hmm this is shareware not opensource as I see :-(

> As far as IDEs go, I used to work with NINJA IDE, it's a Python IDE and
> it's pretty cool.

I will have a look ... but I do not see django & django template support.

But thanks anyway


Adam Stein

Sep 24, 2014, 11:41:28 AM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
Not sure what you are looking for in terms of Django template support. The only difference between pycharm community (free) and commercial in terms of Django support that I've noticed is that Django's development web server won't restart automatically when code changes in the
community edition.  Haven't used community edition since last year, but I seem to recall, I was still able to have a task to start Django's dev
web server (in debug mode so I can trace through my code as you'd expect), so as long as I restarted that after making changes, things
were fine.
Adam (ad...@csh.rit.edu)

Bill Freeman

Sep 24, 2014, 2:17:36 PM9/24/14
to django-users
I just use emacs.  One of the original open source tools.  Template syntax support requires a plugin, and I might try one some day, but html mode has been satisfying so far.  Also, since I know how to type, running my own management commands in an emacs shell window works for me.  This sort of magically includes source code view of the current line when you hit a set_trace() or breakpoint or single step in pdb,  If you want a good overview of available django relevant extensions for emacs, see https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/Emacs

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Wellington Cordeiro

Sep 24, 2014, 4:50:20 PM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com, ant...@gmx.de
If you're doing serious development $70 for a very extensible editor is chump change. IDE's are in my opinion too much for Django and rarely do all the things you wish they would. If paying isn't for you, I would get Vim or Emacs.


Sep 24, 2014, 5:08:38 PM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
Adam Stein wrote:

> Not sure what you are looking for in terms of Django template support.

I mean for example: syntax highlighting of the django template keywords.


Sep 24, 2014, 5:10:30 PM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
Wellington Cordeiro wrote:

> If you're doing serious development $70 for a very extensible editor is

I know this very well, but with my question I wanted
to find out if there is an open source solution.


> chump change. IDE's are in my opinion too much for Django and rarely do
> all the things you wish they would. If paying isn't for you, I would get
> Vim or Emacs.
> On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 3:47:47 AM UTC-6, anton wrote:
>> Jorge Andrés Vergara Ebratt wrote:
>> > I actually use a text editor, I love Sublime Text 2 with the Djaneiro
>> > Plugin.
>> >
>> hmm this is shareware not opensource as I see :-(
>> > As far as IDEs go, I used to work with NINJA IDE, it's a Python IDE and
>> > it's pretty cool.
>> >
>> I will have a look ... but I do not see django & django template support.
>> But thanks anyway
>> Anton
>> > 2014-09-24 4:36 GMT-05:00 anton <ant...@gmx.de <javascript:>>:
>> >> email to django-users...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>.
>> >> To post to this group, send email to django...@googlegroups.com
>> <javascript:>.

Wellington Cordeiro

Sep 24, 2014, 5:26:13 PM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
Use Atom if you want a Sublime like editor that's open source, free and extendable. https://atom.io/

-Wellington Cordeiro

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Mark Phillips

Sep 24, 2014, 5:35:56 PM9/24/14
to django users
Gedit works well with syntax highlighting. I like the console widow in the bottom pain to restart the server when needed, see error messages, etc. Don't have to go to another terminal window.


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James Bennett

Sep 24, 2014, 5:49:47 PM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 7:17 AM, Bill Freeman <ke1...@gmail.com> wrote:
I just use emacs.

I use Emacs as well. It's been my everyday code editor for nearly 15 years, and works with/on almost anything.

John Schmitt

Sep 24, 2014, 7:04:27 PM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 07:40:51AM -0400, Adam Stein wrote:
> Not sure what you are looking for in terms of Django template support.
> The only difference between pycharm community (free) and commercial in
> terms of Django support that I've noticed is that Django's development
> web server won't restart automatically when code changes in the
> community edition. Haven't used community edition since last year, but
> I seem to recall, I was still able to have a task to start Django's dev
> web server (in debug mode so I can trace through my code as you'd
> expect), so as long as I restarted that after making changes, things
> were fine.

I've been hearing about pycharm lately, sounds great. I'm a command line guy so I normally ssh to my server where I fire up my editor and hack away.

What do you do with a GUI IDE like pycharm? That is, how does your edit/run/debug cycle work with a pycharm et al? Can you still edit the 'live' files for your django project?

My imagination says that I would sshfs mount the server's file system and then pretend that the files I'm editing are local. Do I still need to ssh to the server and manually restart httpd or launch manage.py as needed?


Adam Stein

Sep 24, 2014, 7:43:55 PM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
Is your server your production machine?  By that, I mean, do you install your files somewhere else once you are done making changes to another server where it's "officially" used?  I ask because you really don't want to be editing live files where "live" means what your customers (or yourself) are really using.

I develop locally, then deploy to a remove server only when changes are done and tested.  Therefore, my edit/run/debug cycle with PyCharm consists of running Django's web server (./manage.py runserver) on my local machine through PyCharm's debugger so that I can step through the code.  I also have PyCharm set up to run various unit tests (also useful if I need to step through unit test code).  I don't restart httpd, because that is running on the remove server and only needs restarting when my code is deployed.  In the case of restarting Django's web server, PyCharm's professional version ($$$) has the ability to restart it for you if you have it running within PyCharm.  For the community version, you have to restart it yourself which is as simple as clicking a "restart" button.

If your files live somewhere else, you can mount the file system as you've mentioned.  Performance might be better if the files were local, but that's true anytime you go across a mounted file system.

Hopefully that answers your questions.

Adam (ad...@csh.rit.edu)

John Schmitt

Sep 24, 2014, 9:31:29 PM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
I appreciate what you said about deploying and not editing "live" files directly.

However, I have several projects in various stages of development and when I first start a project, I don't have anything to deploy, I edit everything "live". When it's in production and users are counting on it being up, then I would rather not touch the running machine.

When I'm creating a dummy project to test my apache configuration and/or my management commands, or trying to assemble a complicated query, I do it "live" on the VM on which I created the playground project.

Another use-case I have is that my workstation is sometimes far removed from my development machine. My workstation is either a Linux machine or sometimes a laptop via VPN over wireless. Tmux and vim/emacs are glorious workhorses for this scenario and I have a hard time envisioning that same level of convenience from an IDE. I guess I was hoping that someone had found something magical that was at least this convenient.

In case it isn't obvious, I'm a django nub and probably do not know about many best practices.

Javier Guerra Giraldez

Sep 24, 2014, 9:33:57 PM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 4:30 PM, John Schmitt <marma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When I'm creating a dummy project to test my apache configuration and/or my management commands, or trying to assemble a complicated query, I do it "live" on the VM on which I created the playground project.

why bother with VMs when we have virtualenv?


John Schmitt

Sep 24, 2014, 9:59:20 PM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
I put my projects in virtualenvs which are in my VMs. It's not like one VM can only host one project.

Is that what you mean?

Javier Guerra Giraldez

Sep 24, 2014, 10:46:44 PM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 4:58 PM, John Schmitt <marma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I put my projects in virtualenvs which are in my VMs. It's not like one VM can only host one project.
> Is that what you mean?

not exactly. if you're using virtualenv, you can directly run the
project in your workstation, no need to create any VM for development.
save that for the staging step.

of course, that's easy almost exclusively for Python projects, in
other languages, (but several are getting virtualenv-like features)
you might want to isolate and not pollute too much your workstation.
in that case, using jails (lxc, docker, even chroot!) makes it easier
to 'directly' edit without ssh or 'networked' filesystems.

in the worst case (when even the smallest test requires some hardware
i don't have), it's easy to add an rsync step to my test script. So i
edit locally (with all my version control tools) and for each test all
changes are propagated in less time that it takes to restart the

i guess that what i'm trying to say is that a good editing environment
[1] is the most important part of the setup, and it's unreasonable to
compromise it just because i don't want the whole messy project
requirements in my shiny workstation.

[1] i like Kate, which does have remote access to files via ssh
without even sshfs, thanks to KDE. but it still adds a split-second
lag when i hit save, so i always edit locally, even if i test


Adam Stein

Sep 24, 2014, 11:59:28 PM9/24/14
to django...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, 2014-09-24 at 14:30 -0700, John Schmitt wrote:
I appreciate what you said about deploying and not editing "live" files directly.
Hope the information is of use to you.

However, I have several projects in various stages of development and when I first start a project, I don't have anything to deploy, I edit everything "live".  When it's in production and users are counting on it being up, then I would rather not touch the running machine.
I do the exact opposite.  When I first start out, all I have is my development environment.  Once I have "enough" of a project for others to use, then I start deploying.

When I'm creating a dummy project to test my apache configuration and/or my management commands, or trying to assemble a complicated query, I do it "live" on the VM on which I created the playground project.  

Currently, I don't need to run apache locally (I used to), but if I did, I would still test it in a development environment.  Once everything is good, replicate (deploy) onto the target server.  I like to have my development and production match if possible.  If not, then a staging/testing area should be the same so I can deploy from development to staging, test like heck, then deploy to production.

Another use-case I have is that my workstation is sometimes far removed from my development machine.  My workstation is either a Linux machine or sometimes a laptop via VPN over wireless.  Tmux and vim/emacs are glorious workhorses for this scenario and I have a hard time envisioning that same level of convenience from an IDE.  I guess I was hoping that someone had found something magical that was at least this convenient.

My development machine is in my home in New York, the staging and production servers are in California, I think (not absolutely sure).  Doesn't matter the distance.  Since development is all local, don't have to worry about anything else until I'm ready to deploy.

In case it isn't obvious, I'm a django nub and probably do not know about many best practices.
While there are certainly lots of Django best practices, I think the use of a development environment and deployment would work equally well for any type of project, not just Django.  In fact, anything I've ever worked on C, C++, Python/Django, Perl/CGI, etc., would all start in a local development environment first. 

If you don't find good answers to your question, maybe you should wonder why.  Perhaps most people do things a different way and so your question really doesn't have a good answer.  Just a thought.

Adam (ad...@csh.rit.edu)


Sep 25, 2014, 12:26:35 PM9/25/14
to Django Users

Give a try to ninja-ide: http://ninja-ide.org/
It has many plugins, including for django


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