starting a django project

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aparajith sundar

Mar 18, 2014, 5:32:39 PM3/18/14
HI, i am a first time django user. i have successfully installed django but when i try running this " startproject mysite" code all i get is the django-admin text file! i have tried adding different paths and changing all types of settings but its to no avail.. i am told i should be creating a new directory by the name of mysite but nothing of that sort is happening. could someone please help me out with this?!?!

Bill Freeman

Mar 18, 2014, 5:59:26 PM3/18/14
to django-users
A first guess:  Try using "python startproject mysite".  That will help if your system isn't configured to automatically use python for this task.  If this helps, then later, when you are running commands, you will also need to prefix them with python.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 1:32 PM, aparajith sundar <> wrote:
HI, i am a first time django user. i have successfully installed django but when i try running this " startproject mysite" code all i get is the django-admin text file! i have tried adding different paths and changing all types of settings but its to no avail.. i am told i should be creating a new directory by the name of mysite but nothing of that sort is happening. could someone please help me out with this?!?!

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Venkatraman S

Mar 19, 2014, 7:58:22 AM3/19/14
Are you using any tutorials to get started? 
Also, is this on Windows or Linux - shouldnt be much different; you might have some PATH issues in certain cases. 
Also, you haven't mentioned if you got any errors/warnings while starting the project.


On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 11:02 PM, aparajith sundar <> wrote:
HI, i am a first time django user. i have successfully installed django but when i try running this " startproject mysite" code all i get is the django-admin text file! i have tried adding different paths and changing all types of settings but its to no avail.. i am told i should be creating a new directory by the name of mysite but nothing of that sort is happening. could someone please help me out with this?!?!

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