Combine an otree django project with oscar django project and pass data around?

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Alexander Rogowski

Jan 5, 2019, 8:18:01 AM1/5/19
to Django users
I have an oTree survey and I am working on an oscar shop. Now I want to combine them.

I first start the otree project (locally, otree devserver on port 8000). After the questions, I start a subprocess to call another server (py runserver, port 8080) and open another browser tab. 

Based on the answers, I would like to assign the player budget in the shop. How can I pass data through the projects?

from survey.models import Player  # otree models

class CatalogueView(TemplateView):
 Browse all products in the catalogue

= Player
= "products"

But I just get this error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'otree'

I also put otree to INSTALLED_APPS and I tried to import otree.api.

Any ideas, how to handle this?
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