Am 27.03.2015 um 15:49 schrieb Cal Leeming:
> There is a reason that state is passed around from method to method,
> rather than being stored as a global, because this is the correct way
> to do things.
Is a threadlocal global state part of the correct way, or is it "evil"?
> However, it sounds like the architectural design of your code is
> flawed, as throwing around the request object indicates that you don't
> have modularity.
It is legacy code. Complaining does help your soul for a short time. But after
that moment it is the same code :-)
> If you only need the user object, then why not
> replace all instances of "request=request" with "user=request.user".
Yes, that could be done. But it is not much better. I am still searching
a for a "third" way.
> The alternative is to have some magic threadlocals which stores the
> current user, but this is a particularly disgusting way of writing
> code and I could not recommend it at all.
> It would be better if you could explain a little more about how/where
> this request object is being passed around, then we'd be in a better
> position to give you the correct advice.
You have an instance method to render one row of a search result (a custom paginator).
One column of this row displays a link. Some users are allowed to follow the link,
some are not. You need to check the (row level) permissions before displaying it as
link or as plain text.
The render_row() method is deep inside OOP python code. The method needs to
know which user is logged in to return the correct result.
Of course I could always return a hyperlink. And users which don't have
the permission will see the permission denied page. But this is not user friendly.
Can you understand this use case?
Thomas Güttler
Thomas Guettler,
Bernsdorfer Str. 210-212, 09126 Chemnitz
TBZ-PARIV GmbH Geschäftsführer: Dr. Reiner Wohlgemuth
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Chemnitz Registergericht: Chemnitz HRB 8543
Thomas Güttler